UICC HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum Table of contents UICC HPV and CERVICAL CANCER CURRICULUM
UICC HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum Table of contents Slide 01 Chapter 1: Definition of cervical cancer and other anogenital cancers by histology and clinical course Chapter 2: Screening and diagnosis Chapter 3: The role of HPV Chapter 4: Immunoprevention of HPV infections Chapter 5: Application of HPV vaccines Chapter 6: Methods of treatment Chapter 7: Palliative care Chapter 8: Educational issues Chapter 9: Strategic planning Table of contents (1)
UICC HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum Table of contents Slide 01 Chapter 1: Definition of cervical cancer and other anogenital cancers by histology and clinical course W. Kühn Chapter 2: Screening and diagnosis a.Visual screening for cervical neoplasia R. Sankaranarayanan, C. Santos b.Histology Under preparation c.Colposcopy A. Schneider d.HPV analysis and typing S. Garland, S. Tabrizi e.Staging A. Schneider Chapter 3: The role of HPV A. Anttila, H. Vertio Table of contents (2)
UICC HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum Table of contents Slide 02 Chapter 4: Immunoprevention of HPV infections M. Stanley Chapter 5: Application of HPV vaccines S. Garland Chapter 6: Methods of treatment a.Cryotherapy R. Sankaranarayanan, C. Santos b.Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) R. Sankaranarayanan, C. Santos c.1.Treatment algorithm A. Schneider c.2.Surgery A. Schneider c.3.Radiation A. Schneider Table of contents (3)
UICC HPV and Cervical Cancer Curriculum Table of contents Slide 03 Chapter 7: Palliative care A. Merriman, R. Kiwanuka, E. Rosenblatt, G. Fyles, M. OBrien, M.S. de Sabata Chapter 8: Educational issues a.Planning health communication for change J.B. Harford b.Educational policies H. Sancho-Garnier Chapter 9: Strategic planning a.Strategic planning for cervical cancer prevention H. Sancho-Garnier b.Required infrastructure for the successful implementation of an HPV vaccination programme H. Sancho-Garnier Table of contents (4)