Growth and Land Use Planning Analysis for Washington County, Utah Presented by: Eric D Zimmerman
Study Area Southern Washington County, Utah
Purpose of the Study 1)To determine the amount of land available for growth and development 2)To determine where land use conflicts and preferences would most likely occur
Analysis Geoprocessing and Analysis was done in ArcCatalog using ESRI ArcToolbox The analysis was Raster based using 10 meter cells The model was based on the Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS ® ) methodology Raster layers were combined, ranked and weighted for further analysis
Data Sources U.S. Geological Survey Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center Utah Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife Service Washington County City of Santa Clara City of St. George Washington City Hurricane City
Data Used NED data Threatened and endangered species habitat data Hydrology data Roads data Conservation Land data Parks data Census data Hazardous rock and soil data Wetland data Slopes greater than 25%
Determining Developable Land Parcel Data City and county Land Use Plans City and county Master Plans City and county zoning maps and data Smart growth practices Land ownership/parcel data Aerial photography Existing developed land
Growth Analysis Results Existing Developed Land
Modeling / Analysis Exclusion Criteria: Existing developed land Conservation land Forest Service land Wilderness areas Flood planes Wetlands Areas with slope >25% TES Habitat Open water Scenic lava beds Dry washes Federal land 100 ft setbacks from ridgelines and mesa tops
Growth Analysis Results Hazardous Rock and Soil
Growth Analysis Results Favorable and Unfavorable Development Area Demographic Indicator Growth Study Area Population251,517373,242502,579637,156772,606.0 Growth Study Area Housing Units96,788142,916195,188250,904309,273 Growth Study Area Household Size Growth Study Area HU/mi ,2241,5731,939 Growth Study Area HU/acre Notes: HU/mi 2 = Housing Units per square mile; values include existing and future development HU/acre = Housing Units per acre; values include existing and future development Population and housing data was compiled using the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, 2008 Baseline Projections.
Growth Analysis Results Favorable and Unfavorable Development Area Demographic Indicator Growth Study Area Population 251,517373,242502,579637,156772,606.0 Growth Study Area Housing Units 96,788142,916195,188250,904309,273 Growth Study Area Household Size Growth Study Area HU/mi ,0171,3891,7862,201 Growth Study Area HU/acre Notes: HU/mi 2 = Housing Units per square mile; values include existing and future development HU/acre = Housing Units per acre; values include existing and future development Population and housing data was compiled using the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, 2008 Baseline Projections.
Growth Analysis Results Land Use Conflict Analysis Figure-1
Growth Analysis Results Land Use Conflict Analysis Figure-2
Growth Analysis Results Land Use Preference Area Figure-1
Growth Analysis Results Land Use Preference Area Figure-2
GIS - Analyzing GIS - Analyzing and understanding our world Conclusion
Questions? Questions