Ms. Kay & Ms. Ivey’s Fourth Grade Welcome, parents!
Welcome to Fourth Grade! We are delighted to be working together to teach your children this year!
Our Goals To provide loving, challenging, and engaging classroom experiences designed to meet the needs of all of our students. To help students discover and cultivate new interests. To develop responsible, independent students. To foster leadership skills.
Arrival, Dismissal, & Attendance
Arrival Students may enter the building at 8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday. Students arriving prior to 8:00 a.m. should go to the Media Center. It opens at 7:30 a.m.
Tardiness Class begins at 8:20 a.m. If a student is not in the classroom by 8:20 a.m., he/she is tardy. A parent must sign in his/her child with Melissa Harper (1st grade building) and get a tardy slip to take to the classroom teacher.
Dismissal ALL CHANGES MUST BE MADE IN WRITING. your child’s teacher by 2:00 p.m. Please arrive in the carpool area to pick up your students at 3:00. Display your carpool tag in front windshield. Dismissal ends at 3:15. Students still at school at 3:15 will be sent to extended care in the ELC.
Arrival & Dismissal Safety Students riding the bus will go to the computer lab at 3:00, then Mrs. King will walk them to the bus loading area at 3:30 p.m. Please drop-off and pick-up students only in front of the Lower School buildings, in the carpool area, not at the gym or athletic fields. Children must enter and exit the school-side of the car. Please remain in the car during carpool. Please do not use cell phones during carpool.
Partial Day Absences Please make every effort to schedule appointments during Specials. Recommended: PE Music Library
Absences Please your classroom teacher and if your child will not attend school that day. Or, you may call Work will be made up within three days of the student’s return.
From the Desk of Ms. Renae
Medication and Illness Must be free from fever, without medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. All over-the-counter medication must be in the original labeled container. All prescriptions must be in the prescription bottle. Always send information about the last and expected dosages for Ms. Renae.
General Information
Field Trips We have many fun field trips planned to support our learning this year! Tennessee Aquarium Columbus Naval Museum Atlanta History Museum Southern Museum of Civil War & Locomotive History Required: Navy Heritage logo polo shirt School Store Please set aside
Service Projects Monthly food drive for the local Food Pantry: Students bring requested items to each month’s Lower School Assembly
Dress Code Mark your name in all clothing. The dress code will be strictly enforced as an expectation of excellence. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Green Notebooks Teaching organization. Student responsibility. Students record their homework independently. Check for homework, notes, items from teacher not sent on Tuesday.
Reading 30 minutes of nightly reading is required. Be sure to sign your child’s reading log daily after he/she reads.
Math Please bring coins by Wednesday, August 19th. 20 pennies, 10 nickels, 15 dimes, 12 quarters Multiplication facts to 12 100 facts in 5 minutes
Homework Child’s responsibility. Daily reading: 30 minutes required. Approximately 30 minutes of additional work. Please circle, highlight, etc. any problems which required assistance. We need to know if your child needs help.
Celebrating Your Child
STAR Student Tonight: Sign up for a date. Why is your child special? minutes of time with the class. A news flyer will be sent home 1 week prior to your scheduled date. Please bring us PICTURES of your pet, not your actual pet.
Birthdays Cake, Cupcakes, or other small treat. Birthdays may be celebrated during lunch. Lunch lasts from 11:30-12:00, and cupcakes/cake may be given out after the students eat their main dishes.
Let’s Keep in Touch!
Conferences Please sign up for a time slot for the March student/parent/teacher conferences. Siblings may not attend the conferences. January parent/teacher conference Sign up tonight September conferences will be held at the request of the teacher or the parents.
Contacting the Teachers Written Notes (for all medicine & dismissal issues) = faster response Please call only during Specials. PE, Library, Music Any phone/ messages are returned as soon as possible. Updated communication from school
Frequently Asked Questions If it’s important, it’s probably online for your convenience! (faculty/staff, teacher web pages) If you can’t find it online, feel free to us.
Thank you for joining us! Please sign all forms in your child’s homeroom before leaving. Classroom Helpers Conferences (March and January) STAR Student Schedule Information form
Let’s Have a Great Year!