WISCONSIN PUBLIC HEALTH FUNDING Donna Moore, Operations Director Department of Health Services Division of Public Health
2 Appropriation Schedule All agency appropriations are found under Chapter 20. S is the biennial appropriation schedule. – This schedule is repealed and recreated in each biennial budget act. S is specific to the Department of Health Services (DHS). – Each department has a different 3-digit number. – DHS is set up with a program structure that reflects the division structure i.e., (1) is Public Health, (4) is Health Care Access and Accountability, etc.
Wisconsin Total Budget by State Agency – Act 32 (All Funds Biennial Budget = $64.3 Billion)
Wisconsin Total GPR Budget by State Agency – Act 32 (Total Biennial Budget = $29.0 Billion)
DHS Total Budget by Division – Act 32 (Total Biennial Budget = $18.1 Billion)
DPH Budget – Act 32 By Administration & Aids/Local Assistance (Total Budget = $540.8 Million) Administration = Funds used for State Operations costs. Aids/Local Assistance = Funds distributed to LPHDs, providers, etc., for specific objectives.
DPH Budget By Source of Funds – Act 32 (Total Budget = $540.8 Million) Program Revenue = Funds generated by fees. Program Revenue-Service = Funds generated by charging for services within or between state agencies. Segregated = Funds generated and earmarked for a specific purpose, i.e. gas tax for road building projects.
* Prevention Block Grant reinstated for one year--ends September 30, DPH Federal Funding By Type of Grant (Total Budget = $427.6 Million)
9 Statewide LPHD Expenditures by Source of Funds (Total = $150.9 Million)
Division of Public Health Annual GPR Funding Reductions – Act 32 General Grant Funding – Reduced most general purpose revenue and program revenue funded grants by 10% as part of a shared budget solution. – DPH portion -- $4,559,000 per year. Tobacco Use Control Grants – Reduced by $1,535,000 GPR per year – New funding level is $5,315,000 per year.
Division of Public Health Annual GPR Funding Reductions (con’t) Family Planning – Reduced by $193,600 GPR per year – Reduced funding to $1,742,000 per year. Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene – Reduced Basic Agreement by $256,000 GPR over the biennium ($179,500 in FY12 and $76,500 in FY13).
Division of Public Health New GPR Funding – Act 32 Grants for Low-Income Dental Clinics – Provided $850,000 GPR per year for grants to non-profit dental clinics. Seal-A-Smile Program – Provided $250,000 GPR in FY13 to support school-based dental sealants. Well Women Program – Maintained funding at current level of $2,228,200 GPR.
Division of Public Health Other Provisions – Act 32 Family Planning GPR Grant Funds – Renamed to “Women’s Health Block Grant. – Required that DHS allocate funding to “public entities” who may provide these funds to other public/private entities subject to limitations. Newborn Screening Test Fees – Required DHS to set fee by rule, rather than State Lab of Hygiene Board. Patient Health Care Records Fee – Revised statutory fees that providers may charge for copies of patient records. – Required DHS to update them based on the CPI. – MA recipients can receive copies at a reduced rate.
14 Preparation and Submittal of Agency Budget Requests April to September 2012 Review by DOA, Preparation & Submittal of Governor’s Budget September 2012 to February 2013 Consideration of Executive Budget Bill by Joint Finance Committee February through June 2013 The Budget Cycle Legislative Enactment of Budget Bill Summer 2013 Governor’s Vetoes on Budget Bill Summer 2013
15 Estimated Impact of President’s FFY13 Budget on Public Health Programs (FFY = October 1 – September 30) GrantFFY 12FFY 13 (Est) Difference (%) Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant (MCH)$ 10,637,979$ 10,552, % ACA - Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC)$ 1,270, % Comprehensive STD Prevention Systems (CSPS)$ 967, % Commodity Supplemental Food Program$ 745,724$ 763,2502.4% Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC)$ 887, % Immunization & Vaccines for Children$ 4,297, % Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement$ 11,285, % WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Project$ 830, % WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program$ 520, % The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)$ 1,153,240$ 1,180,6872.4% WIC - Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, Children$ 85,705,219$ 89,300,0004.2% National Cancer Prevention and Control Program (NCPCP)$ 4,184, % Preventive Health & Health Services Grant$ 1,378,216$ % Healthy Communities, Tobacco Control, Diabetes Prevention and Control$ 2,187,424$ % Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs (HDSP)$ 350,000$ % State Public Health Approaches to Arthritis$ 508,810$ %
16 Estimated Impact of President’s FFY13 Budget on Public Health Programs (con’t) GrantFFY 12FFY 13 (Est) Difference (%) Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Program$ 697,830$ % Comprehensive Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion Grant$ -Unknown Tobacco Prevention and Control$ -Unknown Chronic Disease Self-Management$ -Unknown Teen Pregnancy Prevention$ -Unknown Ryan White HIV Care Grant Program Part B (including ADAP)$ 8,910,774$ 8,732, % HIV Prevention Cooperative Agreement$ 2,167, % HIV/AIDS Surveillance Cooperative Agreement$ 400,617$ 380, % Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (Propose to Combine with Asthma)$ 594,000$ % Addressing Asthma from a Public Health Perspective$ 396, % Hospital Preparedness Program 2008$ 6,403,834$ 4,266, % National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Implementation$ 1,100,000$ 880, % EPA Indoor Radon Grant$ 278,000$ % Totals$147,859,446$142,864, %