In support of the Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan (Republic Act 7611) Research Agenda for Palawan
Basis or guide in policy or decision-making Support to the implementation of the Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan Consistent to the Palawan Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan (PSDSAP) Rationale
1. Forest and Watershed (Coverage: Water Sufficiency, Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought, mineral resources) 1.1Complete geological survey of Palawan 1.2Survey and classification of forest resources including non-timber forest products. 1.3 Timber inventory of residual forests. 1.4NIPAS zoning plan and map of NIPAS areas in Palawan. 1.5Freshwater vulnerability assessment 1.6Inventory and mapping of CBFMA, & ISF areas. 1.7Timber inventory of poor, stunted, and sparse stands of semi-desiduous forests which has very low regeneration capacity
1.8Ecological research on the ecology of chose species which play key roles in their ecosysytem (keystone species) or which are of economic importance (Diterocarpus and Almaciga) 1.9Systematics, taxonomy, phylogenetic studies of terrestrial flora. 1.10Phenological studies of various vegetation types. 1.11Biology and ecology of terrestrial flora. 1.12Pharmacological investigations of terrestrial flora. 1.13Sustainable forest policies 1.14Responsible Mining Policies 1. Forest and Watershed (Coverage: Water Sufficiency, Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought, mineral resources)
1.15Sustainable river quarry policies. 1.16Carrying capacity studies: rivers as sources of aggregates 1.17Refinement of communal forest guidelines based on communal forest pilot testing. 1.18Definition of what constitutes the edge of opened areas with stabilized traditional land uses. 1.19Criteria for identifying sustainable develoment areas/ mapping of ECAN multiple-use zones. 1. Forest and Watershed (Coverage: Water Sufficiency, Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought, mineral resources)
2. Coastal & Marine Resources (Coverage: marine conservation & sustainable use) 2.1Inventory and assessment of small islands (including tenurial instruments/status) 2.2Inventory and mapping of MSA 2.3Inventory and mapping of FLAs awarded by BFAR and mapping of development, develop and undeveloped areas (to identify areas to be reverted) 2.4Inventory, assessment and mapping of communal mangrove forests. 2.5Evaluation of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) management effectiveness.
2. Coastal & Marine Resources (Coverage: marine conservation & sustainable use) 2.6Small island policies. 2.7Carrying capacity studies: coastal areas for fish caging. 2.8Refinement of sustainability options for the live reef fish for food industry. 2.9Policy implementation analysis of live reef fish for food policy.
3.Indigenous Peoples (Coverage: ancestral domain, indigenous community conserved areas, etc.) 3.1 Inventory and mapping of cultural resources
4.1Population estimates of threatened and endemic species 4.2Caves assessment and classification 4.3Natural Resources Valuation 4.4Survey of wildlife and mapping of habitat (priority-south) 4.5Inventory and mapping of sanctuaries (marine and terrestrial) and specially designated areas). 4.6Inventory and mapping of ecologically important aeras and their uses. 4.7Biology and ecology of threatened and endemic species 4. Biodiversity (Coverage: Flora and fauna, habitat, inland waters and lakes, protected areas, wetland ecosystem, alien and invasive species, access-benefit sharing)
4.8Survey of wild food preferences and nesting of endangered and endemic fauna species. 4.9Survey of the variety and distribution of ecosystem including distribution of rare, endangered and endemic species and the extent of their habitats. 4.10Habitat association studies, such as biological indicators for mineral, ultramafic forests and mycorrhizal associations 4.11Trade of threatened and endemic species. 4.12Distribution and abundance of threatened and endemic species. 4. Biodiversity (Coverage: Flora and fauna, habitat, inland waters and lakes, protected areas, wetland ecosystem, alien and invasive species, access-benefit sharing)
4.13Bio-indicators 4.14Taxonomy of threatened and endemic species. 4.15Research on economically important animals and plants to generate information for their conservation in the wild supplemented by captive breeding and aquaculture programme (i.e. groupers) 4.16Research on rare animals and plants to generate information for their conservation in the wild supplemented by captive breeding programmes 4. Biodiversity (Coverage: Flora and fauna, habitat, inland waters and lakes, protected areas, wetland ecosystem, alien and invasive species, access-benefit sharing)
5.1Sustainable agriculture policies 5.2Sustainable fisheries policies 5. Food Security (Coverage: Fisheries, agriculture, poverty and hunger, maximum sustainable yield)
6.1Inventory and mapping of conflict areas. 6.2Policy implementatino analysis of Chainsaw Act 6.3Policy implementation analysis of the SEP. 6. Sustainable Development Training, Education, Research and Monitoring (Coverage: Research agenda, access to information, knowledge and capacity development, capacity building and awareness raising, universal primary education, ENRA, valuation of ENR)
7.1Updating of available information on tourism potential 7.2Sustainable tourism policies 7. Tourism (Coverage: Tourism master planning)
8.1Sustainable energy policies 8. Physical Infrastructure (Coverage: Energy, Human Settlement, Transport, Access, Waste Mgt, Infra Devt, Sustainable Cities, Urbanization)
9.1Population and in-migration policy. 9.Human Development Services (Coverage: Health, Social Services, etc.)
Thank you.