GEO 325 Environment Land Use Planning, Spring 12
1. “Envision & Inform Process”/Identify the Problem & Background Data Collection 2. “ Frame/Focus”/Set Goals and Objectives & Develop Alternatives “SMART GOALS ” 3. “ Stakeholder Input”/Weigh & Evaluate Alternatives SWOT ANALYSIS 4. Final Recommendations 5. Report Completion 6. Process Assessment
Interdisciplinary effort Voluntary national guidelines and performance benchmarks Priorities: sustainable land design, construction and maintenance practices
Goals and objectives for this project were designed to follow and address the different credits from the SSI for all content areas. Content groups: Soils & Vegetation Transportation: Recreation & Aesthetics Transportation: Safety & Aesthetics Climate & Energy Hydrology
Sustainable Sites Case Studies Richmond Comprehensive Plan Eastern Kentucky University Plan College Campus’s around the Nation Sustainable Sites Case Studies Richmond Comprehensive Plan Eastern Kentucky University Plan College Campus’s around the Nation
: Create a unifying gateway between EKU campus and the Richmond Community, while preserving historical and cultural aspects. This will be accomplished by creating a sense of environmental responsibility through the restoration and preservation of vegetation, wetlands and water sources, the establishment of safe and sustainable transportation methods, and the implementation of renewable technology.
Objective 4.4: Minimize soil disturbance in design & construction Goals: Install a walking path in high pedestrian-traffic areas where turf and soil is currently being trampled because paths don’t exist by January 2015 Install appropriate mulches against erosion and to improve soil quality around existing and new landscape features by May 2015 Photo By: Jamie Carter
Objective 4.9: Restore plant communities native to the ecoregion Goals: Identify plants appropriate to EKU’s Ecological Region 8.0 Temperate Forest and that are available from local growers by April 2012 Install wildflower gardens with all native perennial species that are low care by March 2015 around the wetland area, on Gateway Hill, and around the New Science Building
Objective 6.3: Promote sustainability and awareness to the public Goals: Install identification signs detailing native flora incorporated in the landscape and their benefits, as well as conservation efforts utilized in the landscape within 6 months of component installation.
Source layer Google 2012, Overlay by K.Young
Objective 6.4: Protect and maintain unique cultural and historical places. Goal: I.D. building and sites on campus with historical significance on the site and visible from the proposed site. All this should be done within the next six months
Objective 6.5: Provide for optimum site accessibility, safety, and way finding. Goals: Improve welcome signs at the proposed site and also improve navigation signs on campus with better marked building and streets by January Create a walking trail/bike path that goes around the wetland area and connects it to EKU's main campus by January of
Objective 6.5: Provide for optimum site accessibility, safety, and way finding. Goals: Repaint all road surfaces to improve way finding and safety of pedestrians and bike riders on campus. January Add Vegetation to the medians on the Eastern Bypass for traffic calming. medians/median2_after.jpg
Objective 6.7: Provide views of vegetation and quiet outdoor spaces for mental restoration. Goals: Create various garden sites around campus with low maintenance native vegetation from the area to provide for mental restoration areas. That can be viewed from many locations around campus. By the fall of
Objective 6.5 : Goal: Build a kiosk at site that will display EKU Map and Richmond area by March yOqgNc1WmgUjh9v-Y3GtsKmk50v_ckGOEFDd aster/FlorissantVisitorKiosk.jpg
Objective 6.6 : Goal: Create an arboretum at site with low maintenance native plants, clearly marked paths that provide access to the pond, waste bins, benches, and distance markets to encourage physical activity by Summer arboretum-31.jpg
Source layer Google 2012, Overlay by K.Y.
Objective 8.5: Use renewable sources for landscape electricity needs Goal: Install human generators, solar panels and water turbines to convert free energy into mechanical energy used to power lighting in high pedestrian traffic areas, by January of “Many concentrated solar power plants could be built within the next several years. And a single plant can generate 250 megawatts or more, which is enough to power about 90,000 homes. That's a lot of electricity to meet America's power needs.” center-new-technology-uses-man-power-to-put-energy- back-in-generators/
Goal: Create green roofs to maintain building structure’s core temperature on major building structures on EKU campus whose roofs meet building requirements, by March Objective 4.10: Use vegetation to minimize building heating requirements Objective 4.11: Use vegetation to minimize building cooling requirements
Objective 6.7: Provide views of vegetation and quiet outdoor spaces for mental restoration Objective 6.8: Provide outdoor spaces for social interaction Goal: Create restorative gardens next to existing water structures on EKU campus for mental restoration, and social interaction, by January Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_109508_1%26url%3D
Source layer Google 2012, Overlay by K.Y.
Objective 3.5 Manage storm water on site Objective 3.5 Manage storm water on site Integrate the EKU stormwater management plan with the City of Richmond Plan
Objective 3.6 Protect and enhance on-site water resources and receiving water quality Objective 3.6 Protect and enhance on-site water resources and receiving water quality Goals: Within rainwater and run-off collection system, create a natural chemical free treatment process prior to discharge into storm sewer or drainage system to reduce water processing costs for the city of Richmond, designed by April 2013, implementable by
Objective 3.7Design rainwater/storm water features to provide a landscape amenity Objective 3.7 Design rainwater/storm water features to provide a landscape amenity Goal: Design a rain water collection system that cleanses and conserves water, reducing the usage of potable water to maintain site and help manage storm water on site, by April 2013, implementable by 2015.
GIS Hydrology Map
Source layer Google 2012, Overlay by K.Y.
Richmond Planning and Zoning/Transportation/GIS/Storm Water Management meeting Kevin Causey(Planning & Zoning Inspector) Jason Hart(Planning & Zoning Director) Jason McCoy(Stormwater Enforcement Officer) John Mclntosh(GIS Director) Phillip Williams(Safety & Risk Management Coordinator) EKU Assoc. Dir. Of Facilities Services Administration meeting David Williams Orange Leaf meeting EKU students, faculty and staff survey Model School survey
Richmond planning and zoning/Transportation/GIS/Storm Water Management Meeting: EKU Assoc. Dir. Of Facilities Services Administration meeting Pro: Solar panels are easy, but EKU would just have to come up with the money. Con: Bill Williams indicated that green roofs leak.
Travelling Locally: Survey of Pedestrian and Cycling Experiences for Richmond and Campus Residents Model School Survey
Create identifiable and functional campus districts & Enhance the sense of place and campus edges. Our site includes a part of campus that is lacking in way finding and identifiable campus markers. Our goal supports this objective of the EKU Plan. Encourage interaction among users This goal in the EKU Plan is supportive of our mission to support outdoor physical activity.
Source layer Google 2012, Overlay by K.Y.
Hydrology: Soils and Vegetation:
Sources for Human Use – Transportation Sources for Human Use – Recreation Sources for Climate and Energy: