Faith Project Phase III
Emergency Rest Center Guide Template Standard operating guidelines Mutual aid agreement
One template to be customized at the individual faith organization level Components ICS structure Requirements of staff/volunteers Contact information Reimbursement instructions Activation/demobilization instructions Equipment and supplies necessary Sample press releases Forms Job action sheets Emergency Rest Center Guide
SOGs Formatting similar to regional sheltering plan Cover page gives snapshot of Initial Response Actions, Daily ERC Operations, and Recovery tasks Detailed pages follow
Mutual Aid Agreement Between faith organization and host community As simple as possible Voluntary Includes reimbursement procedure
Outreach Materials Brochure Flyer ERC v. shelter poster ERC talking points Blog postings Website Lessons learned while reaching out
Let’s Make a Plan trainings 7 trainings 150 people attended Meetings with faith-based organizations 31 meetings 80 organizations participated 118 people attended 12 emergency rest centers confirmed; 14 potential 3 radio programs reaching a listening audience of approx. 6,000 1 news article reaching approx. 4,000 Statistics
Meetings with other stakeholders 30 meetings 149 organizations EMDs Police, fire, EMS MRC, CERT Red Cross, Salvation Army Hospitals, public health Senior centers, councils on aging Media MEMA, MDPH Selectmen, planning board, school officials Colleges Building inspector
ERC Locations
Sheffield ERC Partnership Northampton/Amherst fire chaplain Williamstown ERC Partnership Promoting sustainability by linking ERC partnerships with regional resources Success Stories
Partnership model Working through fire chaplains Training on guide Encouraging participation on COADs Recommended Next Steps