Resilience Management within RESINT – Discussion: concept and focus Dr Kaushal Keraminiyage, Prof Dilanthi Amaratunga and Prof Richard Haigh University of Salford United Kingdom
To reformate the curricula and syllabi of BSc, MSc, PhD on disaster resilience management topics by addressing the knowledge and skills gaps in the academia and in the industry Resint Specific objective- Salford focus
Disaster resilience management –Resilience management can be interpreted in different contexts Physical Disasters (natural and manmade) Financial disasters (company wide, country wide, global) IT disasters (data loses, security breaches, etc.) –CERT RMM fits here (company level, process improvement based) So many other different scenarios –Our focus is on physical disasters (natural and manmade) Key points to note:
Knowledge and skills gaps –Which knowledge Knowledge about disasters, Knowledge on Impacts of disasters, Disaster survival guides Technical know-how to improve physical resilience within the built environment, Social knowledge to improve community resilience, etc. Knowledge for (of) whom: –community? –Professionals? Key points to note:
Industry and the academia –Which industry (Built Environment?) –Which academic domain(s) are we going to select Built Environment? ICT? Key points to note: