Basic elements of development dynamics Livelihood Strategies Available Resources Well being Outcomes Context Politics and Institutions Risk Changes in communitie s
Assets … …determine opportunities &... On farm activities, off-farm agricultural activities Off-farm non agricultural activities Micro-enterprise Migration / Receipt of remittances Participation in social assistance and safety nets Income & consumption Savings Food security Health and nutritional status Self-esteem Leisure and recreation Empowerment Environmental sustainability Hopefulness ProductiveSocialLocational Human capital Natural resources Physical capital Savings & Stocks Social Networks Political Networks Infrastructure & Services Distance to town Agro- ecological zone Policy/ institutional milieu Existence of risk Economic & trade policies Other policies/institutions Property right& contracts National & local governments Social protection & safety nets Price & markets Droughts, floods, frost Natural disasters Diseases & pests Physical Insecurity Discrimination Well-being Outcomes…...within a given Context OPTIONS OPTIONS for Livelihood Strategies
Leading discussions through questions Livelihood Strategies What are the activities to secure your living? Available assets What assets / resources have you used in these activities? Well being Outcomes What kind of benefits did you earn from these activities? Context Politics & Institutions Risk Which laws and rules limit access to recourses ? What are the fears and risks involved in these activities? Changes in the community
Workshop Program: Basic elements of development dynamics Presentation of the conceptional framework Leading discussions through questions (presentation and documentation supported by flipchart and colored cards)