ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Potential Smart Grid standardisation work in ETSI SMART GRIDS SCOPING WORKSHOP Roger SAMY ETSI PLT Vice-Chairman © ETSI 2010. All rights reserved 14 June 2010
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Contents Smart Grids and Powerline communications New standards are required Other existing initiatives TC PLT work items related to Smart Grids Conclusions ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Market evolution of SMART GRIDS Charging load mangmnt Plug-in EVs Communication with the grid Network management Renewables Telecom services Electricity, gas, water meters In-home display Micro- generation Demand-response MDM Smart car Energy storage Smart grid Smart building Smart city Source: Sagemcom Smart metering AMM Energy Gateway
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Some use cases Long distance communication : access to isolated houses Real-Time : Customers profiling enabling good predictions in demand = no need to use an additional power plant Micro- production : better knowledge of energy produced to balance the network Demand-side management : boilers are activated during the night when electricity is available Smart building : significant cost reduction on energy bill through remote monitoring Any disturbance due to a storm : action can be taken inmediately based on real-time information Security features Fire is detected : relay can be switched off rapidly Smart car : charge of electrical vehicles while panels are producing ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Powerline communications over LV and MV MV / LV Transformer crossing MV / MV LV / LV Rural / urban area Source: ERDF ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Smart grid and smart metering over LV and MV Public lighting management Status of Local Distributed Production Smart metering EV charging control Energy storage Energy flow control Transfo status Outage management Wan connection @ Data Concen- trator Repeater HV fault detection HV outage management Source: Sagemcom ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Energy Gateway Ecosystem FRONT-END SERVER Load shedding Measurement & relay mains socket Electricity, gas, water / hot water consumption ADSL GPRS SERVICE PROVIDER INTERNET GATEWAY Remote control ENERGY GATEWAY Light sensor Wall switches Humidity & temperature sensors Source: Sagemcom ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Real-time information available for the consumer What is my electricity, gas or water consumption since Monday ? Are my solar panels efficient ? How much did I produce ? Through any display device : Connected tablet, PC, Mobile phone, TV, … What is my carbon footprint ? How much will be my electricity bill ? Source: Sagemcom
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Contents Smart Grids and Powerline communications New standards are required Other existing initiatives TC PLT work items related to Smart Grids Conclusions ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
New standards are required Existing IEC standards are based on specifications developed 14 years ago to address the AMR application. Standards for AMI and Smart Grid must take into account new requirements and stay valid for the next 15 to 20 years Higher performance Seamlessly upgradable ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Contents Smart Grids and Powerline communications New standards are required Other existing initiatives TC PLT work items related to Smart Grids Conclusions ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Activities in Smart Grid Standardization CEN, CENELEC, ETSI Focus Group on standards for the Smart Grid European Commission Task Force on Smart Grids EUTC, ICT4SDG (European Utilities Telecom Council, ICT for Smart Distributed Generation) GMC (Grid Modernization Collaborative) GWAC (GridWise Architecture Council) IEC, Strategic Group 3 on Smart Grid IEEE Smart Grid Initiative IETF ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG Smart Grid ITU-T Focus Group Smart Grid ITU-T Study Groups 5 and 15 KSGA (Korea Smart Grid Association) KSGI (Korea Smart Grid Institute) Next Generation Energy Study Group, Japan NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Project OASIS Blue Initiative SEESGEN-ICT (Supporting Energy Efficiency in Smart GENeration grids through ICT) SGA (Smart Grid Australia) SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China) SIP Forum Smart Grid Special Interest Group UCA IUG OpenSG (UCA International Users Group, Open Smart Grid) U.S. Department of Energy, OE ZigBee Alliance Smart Energy ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Contents Smart Grids and Powerline communications New standards are required Other existing initiatives TC PLT work items related to Smart Grids Conclusions ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and EU Mandate 441 CLC TC 13 Meeting Brussels, 2nd March 2010 ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI-PLT Smart Metering Activities ETSI DTS/PLT 26 : Command and Control Specify the for Wide Band Low Rate Command & Control PLT. This specification is to enable Home Area Network in the context of Home Automation applications and Smart Grid. The specification covers PHY and MAC/DLL layers and includes a coexistence mechanism with high rate PLT. Low rate means < 1 Mb/s, high rate means more than 10 Mb/s.” ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI-PLT Smart Metering Activities ETSI DTS/PLT 27: PHY and MAC Layers Specifications for Smart Metering Specify the PHY and MAC layers for powerline modems operating on low voltage networks and possibly medium voltage lines for Smart Electricity Meters and in-home network for consumer awareness of electricity consumption, meeting the requirements of EC Mandate 441 ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
Workplan relevant milestones Work item Approval date Command & Control PLT (WI#26) September 2010 PHY and MAC for Smart Electricity Meters (WI#27) June 2011 Measurement Methods and Statistical Results of MIMO PLT channels (WI#28) March 2011 Measurement Methods and Statistical Results of MIMO PLT EMI (WI#29) ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Contents Smart Grids and Powerline communications New standards are required Other existing initiatives TC PLT work items related to Smart Grids Conclusions ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids Conclusions The electricity lines are a natural way of communicating to the electrical Smart Grid ETSI TC PLT is putting in place the workplan to respond to the standardisation requirements ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids
ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids THANK YOU OPEN Q&A ETSI TC PLT and Smart Grids