Chemistry Equipment
Personal Safety Equipment- to protect eyes and clothing from chemicals Apron & goggles Used for protection against chemicals or heat gloves
Used to store, mix and heat chemicals BeakerErlenmeyer Flask Florence Flask Test Tube
Used to seal the top of flasks or test tubes: Stoppers Used support glassware while being heated, also can be used to set glassware on to cool: wire gauze Used to support glassware during heating and funnels during filtering: Clay triangle
Used for support and holding glassware Test tube clamp Ring clamp Ring stand Wire gauze
Used to hold test tubes for mixing or cooling: test tube rack Used to condense liquids during distillation: condenser
Used for transferring & holding solids- forceps Used for separating liquids based on D FunnelSeparatory funnel
Filtering Technique Funnel (also for transferring liquids) Filter paper Ring stand/ring clamp Beaker
Mortar & Pestle: used for grinding solids
Used to clean glassware Test tube Brush Used to get the temperature of liquids/gasses:
Filtering using pressure Buchner Funnel & flask- for filtering using pressure
Used to hold water, ethanol or acetone: wash bottle Used for observing reactions of small amounts of chemicals: well plate
Used for transferring solids: scoopula Used for transferring liquids and stirring liquids: glass stirring rod
Proper way to move solids
Used to hold hot test tubes: test tube holder Used to hold/move crucible, evaporation dish, watch glass: –crucible tongs
Used for handling glassware- beaker tongs **DO NOT HEAT THEM**
Used for heating solids- crucible and lid Used for heating solids – deflagrating spoon
Used to evaporate liquids Evaporating dish Used to cover a bubbly solution so you can observe it Watch glass
Used to measure liquids Graduated Cylinder Pipettes Syringes
Used to measure liquids PRECISELY BuretteVolumetric flasks
Reading Graduated Cylinders and Burettes Read liquids at eye level Read from the bottom of the meniscus Make SURE you look at the scale on the glass ware!!
Used to get the mass of matter Balance Triple beam balance
Used to heat substances Hot plate Bunsen Burner
Heating using a Bunsen Burner
Evaporation using a Bunsen Burner
Common lab equipment
Common Lab Equipment