SEM16-05 Maintenance & withdrawal of documents ETSI Seminar © ETSI All rights reserved
SEM16-05 Maintenance Different rules for different types of deliverable Rules are laid down in the Technical Working Procedures (Section 2) and in the 3GPP Working Procedures If you are in any doubt... take care... and speak to the ETSI (or 3GPP) Secretariat! 2
SEM Standards are maintained typically: in response to comments received with a formal vote, or comments from a Technical Body, or comments (or complaints) received by the ETSI Secretariat Maintenance
SEM16-05 EN (telecommunications series) Uses the One-step Approval Procedure except for editorial changes only, following confirmation by the Technical Body Chairman but, if the EN is designated a Harmonized Standard: either the Two-step Approval Procedure or the One-Step Approval Procedure is used... the Technical Body decides which 4
SEM ETSI Standard (ES) or ETSI Guide (EG) Uses the Membership Approval Procedure (MAP) except for editorial changes only, following confirmation by the Technical Body Chairman
SEM ETSI Technical Specification (TS) or ETSI Technical Report (TR) Maintenance is approved by the relevant Technical Body except for editorial changes only, following confirmation by the Technical Body Chairman A similar procedure applies for ETSI Group Specifications (GS)
SEM GSM or 3GPP Technical Specification (TS) or Technical Report (TR) Maintenance is based on a system of formal Change Requests the formal approval of a Change Request rests with the relevant Technical Body or TSG the Support Team then produces a new version of the specification/report
SEM ETS, I-ETS, ETR, TCR-TR, TC-TR, GSM-TS a new work item of an appropriate new deliverable type is created a complete new version of the deliverable shall always be issued no Amendments or Corrigenda are permitted Where an EN is chosen as the deliverable type, the One-step Approval Procedure is applied TBR A subsequent edition of a TBR is adopted by application of the One- step Approval Procedure Maintenance of deliverables of the Old Regime
SEM16-05 Withdrawal a major event, not to be undertaken lightly different rules for different types of deliverable rules are laid down in the Technical Working Procedures If you are in any doubt... take care... and speak to the ETSI Secretariat! 9
SEM Standards are withdrawn typically: if their contents have been subsumed into a new standard, or where irreconcilable errors have been found Withdrawal of standards which have been transposed into national standards may leave a vacuum... Withdrawal
SEM16-05 EN (telecommunications series), including Harmonized Standards one, several, or all versions may be withdrawn is the EN referenced in any regulatory text? is the EN normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes to either, all references must be revised first Technical Body submits proposal to Secretariat Secretariat sends withdrawal proposal to NSOs NSOs conduct national consultations (2 months) and weighted national vote vote may be taken at GA if vote is successful, EN is withdrawn from public availability within 2 weeks 11
SEM ETSI Standard (ES) or ETSI Guide (EG) one, several, or all versions may be withdrawn is the ES / EG normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes, all references must be revised first ETSI Membership Approval Procedure (MAP) is used Technical Body submits proposal to Secretariat Secretariat sends withdrawal proposal to members Members have 60 days to respond period may be extended if vote is successful, ES / EG is withdrawn from public availability within 2 weeks
SEM ETSI Technical Specification (TS) or ETSI Technical Report (TR) one, several, or all versions may be withdrawn is the TS / TR normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes, all references must be revised first decision to withdraw the TS / TR is taken by the Technical Body responsible for its maintenance A similar procedure applies for ETSI Group Specifications (GS)
SEM Withdrawal of deliverables of Old Regime TBR, ETS, I-ETS as for EN (telecommunications series) ETR, TCR-TR, TC-TR, GSM-TS withdrawn by responsible Technical Body