What kind of pollution do you see in these pictures? - air pollution What are the causes? -car exhaust fumes -industries or factories -smog (smoke + fog) -excessive carbon monoxide What are the effects? -global warming -breathing disorders: allergies, asma -cancers (lung, skin)
What kind of pollution do you see in these pictures? -land pollution What are the causes? -illegal rubbish dumping -industries or factories -toxic waste dumping What are the effects? -skin cancer -poisonous food or food contamination -food allergies
What kind of pollution do you see in these pictures? -water pollution What are the causes? -illegal rubbish dumping -industries or factories -illegal toxic waste dumping -oil spills (oil tank disasters) What are the effects? -skin cancer -marine life extinction -poisonous or contaminated food
What kind of pollution do you see in these pictures? -noise pollution What are the causes? -too many automobiles -nearby airports What are the effects? -sleeping disorders -stress -hearing problems
National Environmental Concerns What are some of the environmental concerns in your country and the causes and effects? -deforestation -forest fires -landslides -floods -Illegal hunting -water & electricity waste