SEM14-05 Approving your draft ETSI Seminar © ETSI All rights reserved
SEM14-05 The ETSI standards process 2 Work Item introduced Approval of draft by technical committee Publication IMMEDIATE If Technical Specification or Technical Report DraftingApproval 6 – 12 MONTHS If European Standard NSO Enquiry and Vote 90 DAYS If ETSI Standard or ETSI Guide ETSI Member vote Drafting in technical committee, working group or Specialist Task Force
SEM14-05 Who approves what? Technical Body ETSI Technical Reports (TR) ETSI Technical Specifications (TS) Members ETSI Guides (EG) ETSI Standards (ES) Public (National Standards Organizations) EN (telecommunications series) including Harmonized Standards and Community Specifications Industry Specification Group ETSI Group Specifications (GS) 3
SEM14-05 Whats different for 3GPP? Technical Specifications Technical Reports approved by the relevant TSG by consensus if possible placed under Change Control subsequent development achieved by Change Requests approved by the TSG 4
SEM14-05 ETSI Technical Body approval ETSI Technical Reports (TR) ETSI Technical Specifications (TS) approval can be instantaneous 60 days to publication draft sent to ETSI Secretariat within 30 days of TB approval publication within 30 days provided draft complies with ETSI Drafting Rules 5
SEM14-05 Industry Specification Group approval ETSI Group Specifications (GS) decision-making procedures defined in Groups Terms of Reference draft sent to ETSI Secretariat within 30 days of TB approval publication within 30 days provided draft complies with ETSI Drafting Rules 6
SEM14-05 ETSI Membership approval (MAP) ETSI Guides (EG) ETSI Standards (ES) 19 weeks to publication draft sent to ETSI Secretariat within 30 days of TB approval ETSI Secretariat prepares draft for vote within 30 days 60 day voting phase weighted individual voting by Full & Associate Members voting report by Secretariat within 15 days if successful, publication within 15 days without modification, except editorial changes 7
SEM14-05 Public Approval EN (telecommunications series) involves National Standards Organizations involves Public Enquiry and public Vote weighted national voting Two-step procedure (TAP) 11,5 months One-step procedure (OAP) 6 months draft must be non-contentious suits conversion from ES to EN or the deliverable has a high degree of maturity 8
SEM The Two-step approval procedure - for ENs Drafting by Technical Body ETSI processing 1 Month 2 Weeks 1 Month2 Weeks 4 Months2 Months 2 Weeks 11,5 Months Technical Body Approval Draft received by Secretariat Start of Public Enquiry End of Public Enquiry Start of Voting End of Voting Adoption Publication Public Enquiry ETSI review Technical Body review ETSI processing Voting ETSI evaluation Publication
SEM The One-step approval procedure - for ENs Drafting by Technical Body ETSI processing 1 Month 2 Weeks 4 Months 2 Weeks Technical Body Approval Draft received by Secretariat Start of Public Enquiry & Voting End of Public Enquiry & Voting Adoption Publication ETSI evaluation Publication 6 Months Combined Public Enquiry and Vote
SEM The e-Approval application - for ES, EG and EN
SEM Status code 1 8 Start of work TB approval 8 8A TB approval Draft received by Secretariat 8A 9B For TAP: Draft received by Sect Start of PE 8A 9B For OAP: Draft received by Sect Start of Vote 8A 10FMFor MAP: Draft received by Sect Start of Member Vote 8A 12 For TSs and TRs: Draft received by Sect Publication 9B 9CPublic Enquiry (PE) 9C 9D End of PE Despatch of comments to TB 9D 9E Despatch of comments to TB End of TB review 9E 10F End of TC review Start of voting 10F 11Vote End of voting Publication 30 50Withdrawal Full list at Approval phases
SEM14-05 Approval check-list – 10 key questions 1.Is the deliverable technically stable and mature? 2.Is the title and scope of the deliverable clear? 3.Are all the appropriate test methods included (if applicable), and are requirements testable? 4.Are all normative references publicly available? 5.Are all annexes appropriately titled (informative/normative) and stable? 6.Does an approved work item exist for this deliverable? 7.Is the deliverable type the most appropriate? 8.Is the document and its associated graphics electronically available and ETSI compatible? 9.Have the ETSI Drafting Rules been adhered to and the ETSI template applied? 10.Has any sustained opposition to the approval of this draft been resolved? 13
SEM14-05 OK, but… How do I know that there are drafts for approval? 14
SEM14-05 Technical Body approval The draft for approval is placed in the TBs area on the ETSI web site Or on the Decision Support application Members of the TB are notified by (by means of an exploder) 15
SEM14-05 Decision Support An optional web-based tool for use by Technical Committees 16
SEM14-05 Decision Support 17
SEM14-05 Other approvals (MAP, OAP, TAP…) Information placed on Portal home page, Publications window Nominated voting contacts (etc.) are notified by , which contains links to: lists of the deliverables in each category a list of newly-published deliverables The lists provide access to: the deliverables (downloadable) the relevant work programme item the Technical Body details the relevant voting application 18
SEM14-05 Portal home page notification 19
SEM14-05 Deliverables notification 20 Welcome, From to , the following activity has taken place in ETSI: Deliverables: document(s) sent on member vote (see ) - 1 document(s) sent on OAP (see ) document(s) published (see ) - 1 document(s) sent on Vote (see ) More information can be found on For more information or help please send an to: Best Regards, The Editing Document Management team ETSI - Standards Production Area