Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back Vocabulary Words
carnivorous Meat eating, or, in the case of certain plants, insect eating Adjective To survive, carnivorous plants need insects.
victim a living thing that is harmed Noun The mouse was the victim that became the snake’s lunch.
boggiest Soggy or swampy Adjective We wore boots to hike through the boggiest part of the trail.
accidentally By mistake Adverb I accidentally let Josh know about his surprise party.
chemicals A substance that has certain properties Noun The students wear safety glasses when mixing chemicals in science class.
fertilizer Something spread on the soil, such as chemicals, to make it richer and be able to produce better crops Noun After we added fertilizer, the plants grew better.
dissolve To break up into tiny parts and become part of a liquid Verb Dissolve some sugar into the lemonade so it will taste sweet.