Potential Smart Grid standardisation work in ETSI Security and privacy aspects Carmine Rizzo on behalf of Scott CADZOW, C3L © ETSI All rights reserved
Contents Coordinating security and privacy in smart grids Role of TISPAN Role of M2M Role of others Understanding of risk in smart grids From attack both accidental and malicious Understanding of personal data and privacy in smart grids Preservation of consumer privacy Resilience modelling Support to utility infrastructure Support to communications infrastructure 2 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI
Coordinating security for smart grids in ETSI? TISPAN Ensuring the NGN is protected from, and provides protection for, services and applications crossing or hosted in core NGNs Maintenance and guidance of the design for assurance paradigm Maintenance and guidance of the privacy by design paradigm Role of M2M and others Use cases, deployment modelling, protocol identification, validation of core security and privacy models Extension to non-NGN and non-Core functionality consistent with NGN and core functionality for local devices and their interfaces. 3 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI
The NGN as a collection of provider entities 4 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI IP network IMS plane Service content (www)
Security protection measures CIA paradigm Confidentiality Is information exchanged across the network only visible to those authorised to see it? Covers encryption and separation technologies Integrity Has the information exchanged been altered in transit? Has the system itself been altered? Availability Covers a number of topics: Identification (and validation of identity through authentication) Authorisation (is Ann allowed to perform that function?) Reliability Resilience 5 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI
Privacy protection measures ISO (Common Criteria) identifies 4 key attributes that relate to privacy and which are undergoing assessment for application in the NGN Anonymity Can a party transact anonymously? Pseudonymity Can a user mask themselves with an alias? Un-Linkability Does one provider need to know if another provider is offering services to the same person? Un-Observability Does the provider need to ensure that a user may use a resource or service without others, especially third parties, being able to observe that the resource or service is being used? 6 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI
Trust in the NGN How does the service trust the network? How does the content provider trust the service platform? Proposal being considered in TISPAN for the NGN Keyed authorisation framework Variant of X.509 based Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI) Elements of Kerberos ticket granting service too Will fully support the LI requirements in the Dynamic Triggering area May allow greater trust from users of the core network May act as a deterrent to SPAM, DDoS and other attacks 7 Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI
Explicit authorisation model Assertions Content providers require QoS, GoS guarantees Network resource is finite Detection and prevention of law breaking aids society Considerations Service providers want customer retention Users want privacy Users want freedom of expression Identification and authentication are not sufficient by themselves in the NGN and our e-world Authorisation and privacy protection have to be added Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI 8
Standardisation of authorisation frameworks TISPAN and ETSI Expand the models developed in TS TISPAN; NGN Security; Identity protection (Protection Profile) and apply them to generic and specific NGN models Mandate them for the NGN core ENISA? Promotion and encouragement of development Others? For discussion – but everyone has a role they can play Smart Grids Workshop 14 June ETSI 9
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