REPORT FROM OCG#50 TO BOARD#93 Doc: ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1 Source: OCG Chairman Agenda item: 4 For: Discussion (Late) © ETSI All rights reserved Emmanuel DarmoisBoard#93, 6-7 June 2013 David Boswarthick
Matters arising from TBs and ISGs TC EE Joint work between TC EE and ITU-T on RES/EE-EEPS006 on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of ICT equipment, networks and services; General methodology and common requirements (revision of TS ), [Q18/5 in ITU-T] There is a strong desire to progress work jointly and have both ETSI and ITU-T logos on the final deliverable. ETSI Secretariat was given an action by OCG to: investigate how this work can be progressed in the context of the existing or modified Partnership Agreement and feedback to the OCG, and resolve the issues around dual logos and differing ETSI/ITU-T terminology. 2 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Matters arising from TBs and ISGs TC HF Requested OCG support for their STF on EN "Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe. Existing EU budget is exhausted, still much work is being done by direct contribution. The additional amount requested is relatively small (1600) which would be taken from the ETSI STF budget. Secretariat confirmed this request is coherent and acceptable within ETSI directives and rules. OCG endorsed the request for extended STF budget. However, OCG wish to see limits & guidelines developed and documented by ETSI secretariat for such exceptional cases to avoid their proliferation 3 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Matters arising from TBs and ISGs TC M2M OCG endorsed the updated ToRs and change of name for TC M2M (to TC M2M S 3 ) as contained in OCG(13)50_046r2 oneM2M oneM2M will report to future OCG meetings in a similar way to 3GPP groups oneM2M officials will be expected at future OCG meetings EP E2NA, TC NTECH OCG endorsed the request for TC NTECH to have an open portal area as documented in OCG(13)50_056 4 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Matters arising from TBs and ISGs TC SCP Potential issue on fairness regarding a Java TM implementation test element described in an Annex (mandatory or optional) TC TETRA OCG endorsed the updated ToRs and change of name for TC TETRA (to TC TCCE) as contained in OCG(13)50_049 5 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Matters arising from TBs and ISGs TC MSG OCG did not endorse the proposal from TC MSG the TFES work solely under TC MSG as indicated in OCG(13)50_050. OCG endorsed the following principles: TC ERM shall remain the focal point in ETSI for harmonized standards under the R&TTE directive, Undue delay shall be avoided in the production of ENs, A resolution mechanism was proposed for discussion [in the case of TFES and MSG]: dual approval of WI, final approval in the concerned TB(s) [MSG in this case] Similar mechanisms and principles should be applied to other relevant HS as well (e.g. BRAN, DECT). OCG ask that the BOARD examines the issue and make clear recommendations back to the OCG and related groups. 6 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Matters arising from OCG horizontal groups OCG_MCP Agreement on the need to finish the report rapidly First version and further revisions when needed A drafting team of volunteers will do it for 09/2013 OCG_RTTE Issue on overlapping work in CENELEC (EN/IEC Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication networks - Part 2: Coexistence. There are two conflicting views of spectrum usage in this area. Expected to be resolved by the Nov-2013 JPG meeting. 7 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
Funded Activities OCG endorsed the ETSI STF budget nd allocation - STF review panel outcome OCG(13)50_052 OCG noted the information provided in OCG(13)50_054 on 5 debriefing reports for recently closed STFs OCG noted the information contained in OCG(13)50_053 on the TC ITS STF YF for Interoperability Validation Framework Technical proposal for EC/EFTA funding OCG noted the ToRs for the TC ITS STF YF contained in OCG(13)50_060 8 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1
External Relations OCG Endorsed: Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Open IPTV Forum OCG(13)50_055 Memorandum of Understanding with the ULE Alliance OCG(13)50_057 OCG Noted: Category A Liaison between ISO TC 22 SC 3 / IEC TC 69 (JWG1) & ETSI TC ITS OCG(13)50_051 Letter of Intent with DIGITALEUROPE OCG(13)50_058 9 ETSI/BOARD(13)93_052r1