Welcome to the Rising 3rd Grade Meet & Greet!
3rd Grade Teachers Ms. Burgin Ms. Kuleski Ms. Mohamed Mr. Proctor Mr. Polzer Ms. Stroh Ms. Treadwell
Curriculum Overview Our curriculum consists of: Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Word Study Math Science Social Studies Technology Specials PE, Art, Music, Library Field Trips Swimming, Outdoor Lab, The US Capitol among others!
Language Arts This is the year of a large transition - Learning to read versus reading to learn.
Math This is the year in which we introduce multiplication and division. Measurement becomes an integrated skill that students will see and use in math and science.
Summer Suggestions Keep reading – studies show that students who read over the summer maintain skills gained in the previous year Take every opportunity to learn Ask your student to help you decide the value of items and their prices at a grocery store Measure things around the house Practice organizational skills such as alphabetizing Encourage problem-solving Take advantage of local and free resources Join the Aurora Hills Summer Reading Program
Any General Questions?
Thank you Families!! See you in September