Ms. Comstock, Ms. Seibel and Mrs. Wood
Overview of the Year First QuarterSecond QuarterThird QuarterFourth Quarter Math Place Value through 999,999 Multi digit addition and subtraction Patterns Graphs and tables Coordinate grids Multiplication and division Basic properties for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Geometry Fractions Measurement – metric Time – to the minute and elapsed Reading Beginning our reading workshop Conferencing with the teacher Making predictions and connections in our reading Making predictions and connections (emphasis on fiction text) Becoming good readers through previewing the text, asking questions, etc Learning cursive handwriting Non-fiction (biographies) Responding to our reading within various genres Fantasy unit Inferences EOG preparations/review Science/Social Studies SS—Geography (maps and landforms) Sci.—Things in the sky/Solar System SS—Introduction to government and creating a government system for our class Sci.—parts of a plant and soil SS—Economy Sci. – Forces and motion SS—Change over time Sci.—Human body (muscles, bones and joints) Writing Launching the Writing workshop (creating a writing journal, generating ideas, expanding on ideas, etc Keyboarding The rest of the year will be cursive, narrative writing, explanatory, persuasive and friendly letter writing.
New experiences in 3 rd Grade Nightly and weekly homework will be given. Nightly – math, reading and possibly other subjects from time to time. Various long-term projects will be assigned through out the year as well.
Agendas: students will be expected to keep up with recording assignments on a NIGHTLY basis. Switching classes 3 times a day (math/reading/writing) Cursive – patience – no one is perfect EOGs – we do NOT talk about them until 4 th quarter. We WILL be preparing all year long though.
Website Log in with your log in info (you should already have this. If not, please see Tina in the office). What can you find here: Field trip information Weekly Newsletter Link to each individual teacher’s website
Safaris Where are we going? Planetarium Carolina Theatre High Touch High Tech in house programs (2) Art Museum YMCA Cypress Oakview Historical Park
Special (on campus) Events Blast off to the moon Fall Festival Celebration Holidays Around the World Family Traditions Multiplication Ice Cream party Wax Museum Fable presentations EOG celebration Discovery Term Curriculum project
Daily Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:05—8:30 Arrival and morning work 8:30—9:00 morning meeting 9:00—10:15 – 1 st Class 10:20—11:35 Snack 2 nd Class 11:40—12:40 Recess and lunch 12:40—1:00 Silent reading 1:00—2:15 3 rd Block 2:15—3:05 Science/Social Studies 3:05—3:10 Agenda time/pack up 3:15 Dismissal Wednesdays 8:05—8:30 Arrival and morning work 8:30—9:00 Science/Social Studies 9:00—11:00 Fine Arts 11:00—11: 35 Homeroom time – silent reading,Science/SS 11:40—12:40 Recess and lunch 12:45—1:30 Class 1 1:30—2:15 Class 2 2:15—3:00 Class 3
Sign-ups In your child’s classroom please sign up for the following: Recess and Lunch duty (we request that each family sign up for at least 1 date per month) Classroom supplies on a monthly basis Room parent As we get field trip dates we will be looking for volunteers
Questions If you’re feeling like this guy…have no fear! It’s a lot to take in, but LOTS of fun!