Welcome Grade 3 Parent Orientation Thursday, September 18, 2014 Ms. Amy Wittner Ms. Lambrini Luna Ms. Kim Ayuso
A Typical Day in Third Grade 8:20 – 8:40 Morning Routines Recite the Pledge of Allegiance Take attendance Hand in notes Hang up coats and book bags Hand in homework 8:40 - 9:52 Literacy Reader’s Workshop –Guided Reading : »New Common Core Curriculum: ReadyGen »Junior Great Books »Non-Fiction Time For Kids »Reading For Meaning –Independent Reading at Fountas & Pinnell Levels Writer’s Workshop –Opinion Writing Unit –Fictional Narrative Unit –Report of Information Unit
A Typical Day in Third Grade (continued) Common Core Aligned: Sadlier-Oxford Grammar Workshop Vocabulary Study through: – Junior Great Books – ReadyGen – Social Studies – Science – GoMath! Read Aloud - Author Study of Roald Dahl
A Typical Day in Third Grade (continued) 9:55 – 11:26Math (schedules may vary) GoMath! Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GoMath! Student Edition (used in class) Student Practice Book (used as homework) Hand-outs Tests will be given after each chapter is completed 4 Minutes Timed Quizzes will be given every Friday September – Addition/Subtraction Facts October – June – Multiplication Facts
A Typical Day in Third Grade (continued) 11:35 – 12:25Lunch & Recess 12:35 – 1:08 Science – Ms. Ileana Estrada Foss Hands-on Investigations Units Include: 1. Simple Machines 2. Plant & Animal Adaptations 3. Matter 4. Energy
Third Grade Science Grading System
The grade will be an average of the items listed below. Check lists Class work Science Notebook Exit Passes (2-3 questions they have to respond to at the end of the lesson) Quizzes Tests
Science Notebook Benefits Documentation - develops organizational skills. Reference Document - helps students review forgotten facts. Cognitive Engagement - writing helps students clarify what they know.
Components of the Science Notebook Table of Contents Page numbering Date and teaching point Class notes Vocabulary words Graphs, tables and charts
Contact Information Leave a message (212) me at Send message through ENGRADE
A Typical Day in Third Grade (continued) 1:10 – 1:30Sustained Silent Reading (Independent Reading in Book Baggy Books) 1:35 – 2:00Social Studies 2:00 – 2:25Homework 2:25 – 2:40Pack Up & Dismissal (Please come up to the class instead of waving to your child across the schoolyard. Please do not take your child off the line.)
Parent Communication Notes are quickest/best way to get message to the teacher Phone calls are conveyed but not usually until the end of the day-unless it is an emergency can be used: Ms. Ayuso: Ms. Luna: Ms. Wittner:
Specials’ Schedule Ms. Ayuso Science – Ms. Ileana Estrada 1x a Week (Double on Thursdays) Physical Education – Mr. Esteban Diaz 2x a Week (Mondays & Tuesdays) Music – Mr. Chris Jennings 2x a Week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Library – Ms. Rose Ellen Neidish 1x a Week (Fridays) Art – Ms. Nancy Kleiner (Tuesdays)
Specials’ Schedule Ms. Luna Science – Ms. Ileana Estrada 3x a Week (Double on Mondays & once on Fridays) Physical Education – Mr. Esteban Diaz 2x a Week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) Music – Mr. Chris Jennings 1x a Week (Thursdays) Library – Ms. Rose Ellen Neidish 1x a Week (Wednesdays) Art – Ms. Nancy Kleiner (Tuesdays)
Specials’ Schedule Ms. Wittner Science – Ms. Ileana Estrada 1x a Week (Double on Wednesdays) Physical Education – Mr. Esteban Diaz 2x a Week (Mondays & Thursdays) Music – Mr. Chris Jennings 1x a Week (Mondays) Library – Ms. Rose Ellen Neidish 2x a Week (Tuesdays & Fridays) Art – Ms. Nancy Kleiner 1x a Week (Tuesdays)
Extras (Funded by Friends of 187) Y.A.N.Y. with Ms. Ann Pasquale Young Audiences of New York: Drama Program Art with Nancy Kleiner
About Homework Homework is given nightly Students will have literacy & math assignments every night Students must read for 30 minutes each night Students read from their book baggie books assigned during their literacy period The reading chart must be marked every night, but will only be checked and collected at the end of each month. A numerical grade will be entered on Engrade to reflect the number of days your child read for the month. (If the children lose the chart they must notify the teacher immediately!) If homework is too difficult for your child or is taking your child too long to complete, set up a meeting with the teacher to discuss strategies and/or accommodations that can be made. Vacation homework will be optional with the exception of reading (no written responses required).
Grading Policy ReadingWritingMath Formal Assessments (Diagnostic & Performance Tasks) Classwork, Participation & Discussion Homework Published Portfolio Pieces Classwork Language & Grammar Homework Unit Assessments Performance Tasks Quizzes Classwork, Participation & Discussion Homework