Mrs. Hansard’s 1st Grade Class Welcome to Parent Orientation!
Welcome to 1st Grade! Welcome to Amy Parks-Heath Elementary School Parent Orientation. I am delighted that you could attend. It is truly a privilege to be your child’s first grade teacher. Thank you for your outstanding commitment and support.
Goals To give your child the academic and social tools needed to progress to 2nd grade. To provide a supportive learning environment. To have fun while we learn. To make new friends and discover new interests and talents.
Math Concepts Number recognition/writing Patterning Sequencing Addition Subtraction Time/Money Fractions Geometry Place value Double digit addition Methods Investigations Whole Group Small Group Partners Individual Hands-on Materials Calendar Time Games Traditional pencil and paper
Reading Methods Concepts Comprehension Whole Group Instruction Compare/Contrast Making Connections Inferring Background Knowledge Drawing Conclusions Questioning Story Elements Identifying Genres including expository and narrative Methods Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Guided Reading Reader’s Workshop
Language Arts Spelling Dictionaries – $1.80 Concepts Complete sentences Capitals Punctuation Contractions and Possessives Multiple sentence stories staying on topic ABC Order Methods Whole Group Small group Partners Shared Writing Class Books Writer’s Workshop Spelling Dictionaries – $1.80 (Please return cash in envelope provided)
Spelling Patterns – NOT lists Sight Words – Word Wall Words
Grading First Semester Progress Reports (@4 ½ weeks) TPRI/Conferences (@Six weeks) Grades (4 terms) Report cards each term There are four grading periods this year (1 progress report will prepared every grading period) Graded subjects: Language Arts (Spelling will be 15% of grade), Reading, Math E, S, N, U: Citizenship, Science, Social Studies, P.E., Art, Music
8 Expectations for Living First Grade Calendar Citizenship grades 0-2 E Excellent 3-4 S Satisfactory 5-6 N Needs Improvement 7+ U Unacceptable/Unsatisfactory
First Grade Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Initials Aug. 27-31 Sept. 3-7 Labor Day 10-14 17-21 24-28 Oct. 1-5 Fair 8-12
Reading Homework Book Bag Reading Reading should be done nightly for twenty minutes. Please read from the provided book bag and the Read Naturally Assignments. Each child needs to read out loud to an adult. The time read needs to be 20 minutes daily and recorded and returned each day.
Other Homework Each Monday you will have a Spelling brainstorming activity to complete with your child. Other assignments will be listed in the Weekly Newsletter. Daily spelling and math fact practice is recommended. Remember, reading daily is also part of the homework.
Name __________ -an -am -at ______ ______ ______ Write a sentence using at least one word wall word or sight word. (a, an) ________________________________________________________________________
Handwriting This is the year we will pay special attention to letter formation and placement on handwriting paper. We have found that specific attention to handwriting in first grade is crucial to legibility in all other grades.
Star Students
Star of the Week Each week one student will be the star of the week. For that week, your child will be featured on the bulletin board outside of the classroom. Your child will also share pictures, “All About Me” and “Favorites” pages for the bulletin board.
Schedules and Procedures
Birthday Celebrations We celebrate birthdays in the class by singing a birthday song and creating a book about the birthday child. If you wish to send a healthy snack for a treat, make sure it is store bought and individually wrapped. I will hand them out either at snack time or at the end of the day as the students are being dismissed.
Snacks Pack it separately from the students lunch. Make sure it is clearly labeled. Make sure your child can open it independently.
Specials Schedule Daily Lunch 10:50 – 11:20 Specials 12:30 – 1:15 Tuesday – Computer 2:10 – 2:55 Tuesday – Library 1:30 – 2:00 Monday – Art 9:20 – 9:50
School Hours Beginning of school – First bell is 7:50 and the tardy bell is 8:00 End of school – We dismiss at 2:50. Pick up procedures – All changes in transportation must be communicated by 2:00. Please call the office. When e-mailing, please send changes to Mrs. Henry ( in the front office and CC to me .
Star Parents
Daily Do’s Please return the take home folder on a daily basis. Remove graded work and notes every night! Please return the book bag with signed homework sheet on a daily basis. Please keep the Reading Recording Sheet in the take home folder. If you have any important information to communicate, (transportation changes, information on home life - new baby is on the way, grandparents are in town, etc.) please write a note and send it in your child’s take home folder.
Parent Teacher Conferences Fall – After TPRI Testing – Please sign up on the clipboard that is being passed around. Spring – After TPRI in late April/early May At your request
Volunteers The Amy Parks-Heath family is unparalleled in the tradition of volunteering. If you are able to volunteer, please be sure to sign up today! Wish List – Current items are located on the wardrobe door and new items will be listed in the First Grade News or via e-mail. I look forward to working with you!
Thank You! As partners in the education of your children, open communication is very important. If at any time you have a question or concern please contact me with a note, by calling the school office or by e-mail ( I will respond as quickly as possible.
Please remember to sign up for your conference before you leave today Let’s Have a Great Year!