5 th and 6th Grade Introductions Mrs. Rowe, 5 th and 6 th grade teacher Mrs. Fisher, 5 th grade teacher Mrs. Gahres, 5 th grade ESE teacher
What are procedures? Procedures are directions for doing things. Each of you will have a procedures folder that gives you directions for many of the things we’re about to discuss and procedures for other things as well.
Classroom management Rules of the Classroom: Respect your teacher Respect your classmates Be prepared for class Follow the directions the first time given Follow the procedures manuals in the classroom Complete all assignments Do your personal best
Classroom management cont. If a student chooses to break a rule: First time (Blue): Verbal warning Second time (Yellow): Note home in planner and billed $0.25. Third time (Orange): Phone call, or note home regarding choices and billed $0.50. Fourth time (Red): You will be billed $0.75 and fill out a Behavior Response Sheet. * Cards are reset to green daily. All students start with no card flips.
Classroom Agenda 7:45 – 8:00 Accelerated Math/ADD :55 Warning bell 8:00 Tardy bell 8:00 – 8:10 Morning seatwork Classroom schedules handed out earlier on first day of school 2:15 -2:30 PACK UP, CLEAN ROOM, DISMISSAL LISTEN FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR DISMISSAL TIMES.
Head all papers. Put heading in the appropriate place. Include: Your student number in the very top right hand side of the paper. First and last name on first blue line, left side. Date on the second blue line, left side, under name. Subject on first blue line, right side. Page number on second blue line, right side, under subject. # Name Subject Date Page_ ___________________
Morning Work Procedure Come in. Greet the teacher. Carefully remove a chair from a stack in the classroom. Read the board for morning message and start seatwork. Place notes in the teacher box. Ensure that you have at least two sharpened pencils. Unpack for the day and hang your backpack and coats on the wall or in the cubbies. Make it a positive day, or not. The choice is yours!
Bathroom procedure Students may go to the bathroom during the day. However, they must sign out and write the time out and in on the bathroom sign- out sheet. Only one student is allowed at any given time to go to the bathroom. You do not have to ask the teacher. If someone is already using the bathroom, please do not ask to go unless it is an emergency. If a student is already using the bathroom and it is an emergency, do the bathroom sign and wait until the teacher gives you permission to go to the bathroom. (Crossing fingers) Go directly to the bathroom. If there is a mess, please tell a teacher when you get back. When you are done, make sure you are not leaving a mess. Wash your hands and make sure you are not leaving a mess at the sink. You do not need more than one squirt of soap. You do not need to push the button twice for extra paper towels. Return quietly to class and write the time you are returning. If you were gone for more than five minutes, you will be billed $1.00 of your allowance for that week. If you are gone for more than 5 minutes, your teacher will circle your name on the sign-out sheet to record your debt. Quickly and quietly join the class.
Teacher mailboxes Each teacher has a mailbox for concerns and questions Items placed in the mailbox are confidential and cannot be removed once placed in the box. Only the teacher can remove contents of the mailbox for review.
Consequences and Rewards Each student will have a check book to record behavior money that they have earned or billed. The behavior money earned can be spent in the class store.
Parent Volunteers/Chaperones 1.Appropriate paperwork in front office 2.Volunteering in the classroom is encouraged and appreciated 3.Tasks include: Bulletin boards Making photo copies Reading aloud to students Helping with class store (donated items are welcome)
Field Trips Titusville Playhouse ? BCC Planetarium and Museum Fort Christmas Park King Center
FCAT Testing Reading Mathematics Science (Only for 5 th graders)
Homework Procedures Spelling Packets Mathematics (Accelerated Math, math homework) Reading 20 minutes daily
Dismissal procedure Make sure you have your papers to go home in a folder. Make sure you have your planner and items necessary to complete homework. Make sure your area is clean. Make sure small items that belong to you are removed from your desk. Make sure your chair is stacked. Sit quietly on your desk and listen to announcements and teacher. Line up according to directions. Do not leave at the bell. Wait to be dismissed by the teacher in the room. Move through the campus using responsibility.
Dismissal times and rooms 2:20 Bike Riders (report to Mrs. Fisher’s room) 2:25 Bus Riders (report to Mrs. Fisher’s room) 2:30 Walkers & Day Care Vans (report to Mrs. Rowe’s room) 2:30 Car Riders, Riverview Daycare, Clubs, & Tutoring (report to Mrs. Rowe’s room)