EP E2NA Report from OCG#47 and Board Doc: BoardE2NA(12)3_0xx Source: EP E2NAChair Agenda item: 2.3 For: Information © ETSI All rights reserved
Report from presentation at OCG #47 The presentation gave a summary of the setup phase of E2NA and provided insights on the documents submitted for approval The OCG endorsed: The (emended) ToR of E2NA The closing of TISPAN and the handover of the activities to E2NA The creation of TC NTECH, its ToR and the appointment of the convenor Comments at the OCG mainly stressed that the ToR should state that E2NA has not mobile in its scope. Other concerns were expressed about the mix of ISGs and TBs in the EP. An emended version of the ToR was submitted to the Board after the OCG ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx
Report from Board discussion on E2NA 1/2 Essentially the same presentation on E2NA given to the OCG There was quite some discussion on the parallel approval of deliverables for the project and the member TBs Comments were made about the risk of creating just one extra layer of bureaucracy if the EP has no control on activities The Board assigned an action on EP E2NA to re-draft the documentation to express exactly what is proposed and to be clearly in-line with the TWP – parallel approval is not possible the work items should be in the EP E2NA or the TC/SC but not both work items shall be owned and approved by the TC/SC and the EP E2NA informed when the deliverables are being approved EP E2NA only work items will be approved by the EP ISG AFI cannot be integrated under E2NA if it remains an ISG ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx
Report from Board discussion on E2NA 2/2 In the discussion on the ToR concerns were expressed about overlaps with M2M (trans-servers, service enablers, security) E2NA was requested to re-draft its ToRs to clarify the relationship to the new M2M PP (oneM2M) and TC M2M. The creation of the EP E2NA and the appointment of the chairman were endorsed pending the above The creation of the new TC NTECH was rejected and better specification of its scope in the ToR requested; specifically: Point out that there are no overlaps with other ETSI TCs Give evidence that NTECH and E2NA have not the same scope Submit a revised versions for September OCG/Board meetings ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx
Actions taken and evolution since June 1/2 ToR revised internally and in collaboration with TC M2M chairman Submitted to J. Koss (main source of comments at Board #88 and OCG #47) and secretariat to verify they are satisfied with the new text Work Procedures reviewed but not eliminated (they were never meant to replace ETSIs TWP, but we need to agree on a common process) Discussed with Bruno how to review TC NTECH ToR to reflect BoD requests ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx
Actions taken and evolution since June 2/2 After further discussion with Ranganai, Gaby and others, it was decided to leave AFI as and ISG outside E2NA A mirror WG inside TC NTECH will provide the needed sync Simultaneous f2f, working together in open workshops But there are not only problems to solve…… Discussion in a f2f meeting with TC ATTM Chair Dominique Roche and EE Secretary Paolo Gemma has brought the latter TC close to join E2NA: Liaison sent to EE by E2NA will be considered in next meeting of theirs A good synergy is absolutely needed and strong collaboration on specific topics (Energy efficiency) can be possible within E2NA ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx