ERM TG28 SM/SG Activities Current work items relevant to Smart Grid under way in ERM TG28 Enrico Tosato Chair ERM TG28 © ETSI All rights reserved Smart Grid Workshop, 14 June, 2010
22 ERM TG28 Smart Metering Activities ERM TG28 Work Items Activities have been under way since ERM#39 (Nov 09) Goals are Determine feasibility of SRD spectrum access rules for SM applications Identify possible coexistence strategies in MHz spectrum Define PHY & MAC protocols for SM Wireless Access Sub-GHz spectrum is key
3 Smart Metering – Smart Grid Spectrum resource is a key aspect of Smart Metering / Smart Grid standards TG28 work covers Various ENs govern spectrum access rules for a range of frequencies from 9kHz to 246GHz Our interests are primarily in lower layer communications Of particular interest is sub-GHz spectrum for good propagation in Smart Metering / Smart Grid environments Lower layer communications requirements are common in both Smart Metering and Smart Grid Require good propagation and building penetration Require low cost & low power implementations Low-medium data rates (10s to 100s kbps)
4 Specific Requirements Specific requirements are common to both Metering and Grid Local control Fast response Immediate action Electric Vehicle Charging Multiple vehicle charge loads may overload local supply safety limits Requires vehicle-vehicle coordination of charge load Required response faster than WAN-Back Office round trip time Service Requirements input to M2M SM Use Case input to M2M
5 TG28 Work Items TR Identifies required system parameters and spectrum resources Examines Wireless MESH duty cycle for SM applications Expected output CEPT ECC coexistence and spectrum access study ( MHz) TS part specification for PHY & MAC wireless access Coordinate with world standards for Smart Grid wireless networks Provide a basis for standard wireless MESH components of Smart Metering and Smart Grid networks TR Examine wider spectrum resource requirements for Metropolitan MESH networks SM, SG and City Automation applications
6 Discussion