Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 1 San Francisco Human Services Agency JOBS NOW! Public Sector Trainee (PST) Program Overview for City Departments September 2009
Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 2 HSA Workforce Development Division Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW JOBS NOW! Overview JOBS NOW! is a subsidized employment program administered by the Human Services Agency and funded with federal stimulus dollars Through JOBS NOW! participating City departments can have an unlimited number of public service trainees placed at their agency at only 20% of what it would cost to hire that person directly Trainees must meet eligibility criteria: SF residents under 200% of federal poverty level with a minor child and right to work documents The program sunsets on September 30, 2010
Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 3 HSA Workforce Development Division Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW How Does It Work? Host Department submits a Public Sector Trainee (PST) Request Form and job description to HSA. –Jobs should fit one of three categories for which we have generic job descriptions: clerical/admin, support services/recycling/transportation, and facilities/ grounds maintenance –40 hour work week; option to incorporate soft skills training provided by HSA HSA assigns a PST Liaison to your department. HSA recruits eligible participants. Host Departments may also recruit participants and send them to HSA for eligibility screening. PST Recruitment Fairs are held weekly to help expedite hiring and job matching.
Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 4 HSA Workforce Development Division Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW How Does It Work? HSA sends you 2-3 candidates per position to interview and select. A JOBS NOW! Agreement is signed by HSA and the Host Department. HSA hires your selected candidates into either the 9910 or 9916 classification at a pay rate of $12.21/hour. Participants are on HSA payroll. DHR has created special TEX Category 18 requisitions for HSA to use, which allow JOBS NOW! participants to remain on payroll until 9/30/10. Host Department provides the job site, on-the-job training, work supplies and supervision.
Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 5 HSA Workforce Development Division Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW How Does It Work? Host Department is responsible for the 20% non- federal match, which can be covered through in-kind supervision costs, job related supplies, participant training, etc. Your department submits timesheets on a weekly basis and cost documentation on a monthly basis to HSA. HSA claims federal revenue. If Host Department costs were less than 20% HSA will direct charge the Host Department for the difference. If they exceeded 20% you may request reimbursement via work order for the excess.
Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW 6 Expectations of Host Department Fast track PST interview and selection process Provide high quality, active supervision of trainees Complete trainee performance evaluations Communicate problems/issues to PST Liaison Timely and accurate submission of timesheets and cost documentation forms * HSA has developed a written handbook for Host Site Supervisors HSA Workforce Development Division Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW
7 HSA Workforce Development Division QUESTIONS? For more information: > Contact Ana Osegueda ( ) Or Jim Whelly ( ) > Visit Call JOBS NOW! at JOB-1NOW