WELCOME to 3 rd Grade! Ms. Kathy Coard Room 301
About Me…
Teaching Philosophy “Work hard… play hard.” I expect students to do their very best and work hard each and every day…and to have fun learning!
Why Common Core?
Explore problems that do not always result in one simple answer Engage in real-life writing, research and math projects in and outside of the classroom. Engage in rigorous and complex thinking across grade level and subjects Read more non-fiction articles and books Actively participate in an exchange of ideas with classmates and support opinions with evidence What are students expected to do?
What does this mean in the classroom? Increase in collaborative group work Shift in homework Increase in problem solving More non-fiction reading Justifying and providing evidence Fewer tasks and more skills and strategies
Curriculum Focus MATH Addition/Subtraction Multiplication Fractions READING Foundation Skills Informational Texts Literature WRITING Opinion Narrative Informative
Homework Reading Logs Sent home on Monday, return Friday Unfinished work Real-life application Board games and card games are a great way to practice math facts. Cooking a meal together is great practice for fractions and measurement Sharing what s/he is reading helps to recall details by retelling the story. Educational apps on computer, tablet or smart phones to practice math, reading and sight word skills.
Classroom Schedule* 8:20-8:35 8:35-8:55 8:55-9:20 9:20-10:05 10:05-10:20 10:00-10:45* 10:45-11:35 11:35-12:20 12:25-12:45 12:45-1:20 1:20-1:30 1:30-1:45 1:45-2:25 2:25-2:35 2:40 Bell Work/Pledge Morning Meeting PE Writing Recess Art Language Arts Centers Lunch/Recess Reading Calendar Math Recess Math Groups Science/Social Studies Cursive Dismissal *Monday/Wednesday. Schedule adjusts to accommodate Art/Music/PE rotations.
Classroom Management Classroom Rules Clip Behavior Chart Students move up or down the chart based on choices they make. Outstanding = note home and 5 cents. Parent Contact = discussion with teacher and note home to be signed and returned. Earn Money For a job well done Student Store on Fridays! Ready to Learn
Miscellaneous Attendance Classroom participation is key to learning Project based, interactive instruction School Treats No cupcake zone Scholastic – Book orders due by 15 th of the month – Class Code: N9ZZ8 – Order Online or Send check to me Volunteers – Helping students with work, organizing class parties, field trips, making copies, etc. etc. etc.
Communication Website –Important information will be posted here. Text –Text the to phone number (707) –The best way to contact me: Phone –School phone number is –Stop by! –After school is a great time for a quick catch-up. Ongoing communication is important so we can share all the information needed for your child to be successful!
THANK YOU! It‘s going to be a Fantastic year!