Ratification of the Constitution
Key Compromises Compromise IssueSolution Connecticut Representation IN Congress Bicameral legislature: -Equal rep. in Senate -Rep in h.o.r depends on state population Three Fifths Compromise Counting slaves within population to determine rep. 3 out of every 5 slaves would be counted for both representation and taxation Commerce and Slave Trade Granting Congress the power to regulate foreign and interstate trade Congress was forbidden to tax a states exports Congress was forbidden to take action against the slave trade for 20yrs
Federalists VS the Anti- Federalists Anti- Federalists feared a strong central government Would not ratify the Constitution unless the bill of rights was added Federalists- wanted to strengthen the national govt. to provide order Did not believe the B.o R. was necessary b/c Constitution limited the power govt. power
In order to get the Constitution Ratified the B. of R. had to be added. Despite the promise of the Bill of Rights, support for the new Constitution was lacking in Va. and NY Federalist papers- A series of pro- ratification essays written by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison, helped gain support for the Constitution in Va. And NY
Bill of Rights First ten amendments to the Constitution The Bill of Rights limits the powers of the federal government of the United States, protecting the rights of all citizens B. of R. ensures that basic freedoms such as speech, religion, press, assembly, trial by jury, etc are all protected.