Challenges and opportunities of ABC today: From ABC to Integrated Border management Jean-François Lennon Director Global Business Development & PMO e-mail: mobile: +351 912365205 fixed phone: +351 21 1543900
Challenges and opportunities of ABC today From ABC to Integrated Border Management International standardisation and interoperability Nationwide border management integration Balancing Security and facilitation International Country Context slide: providing summary of various levels which imply their own challenges; Border management is not just local control on individuals. Focusing, not only on ABC locally, but on a holistic view to unlock full potential is the main opportunity Vision-Box is now focusing on the next steps. Ensuring that security locally has been achieved. We will focus on the challenges of ABC from a nationwide perspective and how the resolution of these will impact the other two. People
The Nationwide Border Control Framework (NBCF) Benefits: Balancing security and facilitation at the borders Enhanced National Security: Reduction of illegal travelers Automatic identification of overstays Enhanced Risk Assessment and Threat Identification Fast Identification of Potential Threats Enhanced Immigration System Integrity: Improved information security and intelligence Increased efficiency in investigations Facilitation of Travel and Trade: Reduction of border crossing times Enhance passenger profiling Improved flow of goods at land borders Economic and Social Benefits Benefits of such an approach. Integrated border control solution is the next level of challenge for ABC and this will benefit every stakeholder, as well as every level of the pyramid: full centralized control of operations within a country’s borders mean more effective local control, but it means as well an improvement of cross-border security, we open doors to wider cross-border collaboration opportunities as well as enhanced national cooperation between the different actors. Obviously, such an approach has a cost, which can be easily balanced by a smart and sustainable program that put the traveller at the core of the equation, allowing all involved stakeholders in creating innovative financial models to sustain the investments to the benefit of the national economy.
vb i-shield ® Unified Management Platform Building Blocks Border Control Security ID Management & PAX Processing Border Control Manual Control People Tracking Check-in BCBP Security Airports Border Transfer Analytics & CCTV QMS Airlines Gov. Transaction Manager – Business Rules Engine VB i-Shield: Solution architecture Using biometry throughout the passenger journey, from check-in to boarding at Airport side, in alignment with the IATA 14 steps approach of the Passenger Experience. In addition, aggregating data with Land and Ports, by taking benefit of a Unified Architecture, that consolidates all dimensions and dataflow management of an Entry/Exit process, permits to generate a nationwide view of migration flows, anticipating peaks, associated measures thus building the foundations of a solid predictive model. All stakeholders will take benefit of such an approach, using as well a Privacy by Design concept as a fundamental pillar of a sustainable Data Sharing model to sustain each parties needs and both strategic, business and legal objectives and constraints. Key Words: Aruba Privacy by Design Predictive Models Operational Excellence Entry/Exit Holistic Approach Aggregation Situational Awareness Balance between facilitation and security vb i-shield – Unified Management Platform Performance Optimization Integration Layer Management Information Performance Monitoring Reporting, Auditing & Logging DASHBOARD - Management Cockpit
The Nationwide Border Control Framework (NBCF) Unified Border Control Modules vb.Enrolment vb Counters vb.Watchlist vb.Reporting Different modules that explain how the solution connects every local system with an integrated layer. vb.Inspector
The Nationwide Border Control Framework (NBCF) Case studies Finland Integrated Air, Land and Seaport borders Brazil Manual and Automatic border control Rwanda Integrated Airport and Land Borders Cross-community collaboration Qatar Multimodal enrollment and verification (face, iris, fingerprint) Passenger profiling (European Passport, GCC, ...) Case Studies of multimodal and multi-borders ABC Deployments in different countries, looking at a holistic approach towards Integrated Border Control, balancing sustainably facilitation and security. - Finland: Land, Air and Sea: all processed with ABC, with Third Country National crossing facilitation for Japanese and Korean as trusted countries, and no age restrictions in using the ABC - Brazil: Delivering both Automated and Manual Border Control allows an harmonized and comprehensive Operational & Tactical Model to be used by the Federal Police through a Unified Border Control Platform in order to be better prepared for the Major Events in 2014, starting to build-up a more efficient EES - Rwanda: Air and Land operated through ABC. On the Land side of it, a Cross-Community program is established between Congo & Rwanda, with a kind of RTP that allow workers to cross the border everyday in a fluid and secure manner, creating a structured EES mechanism at the lan side - Qatar: Use of multimodal biometrics to enhance the passenger processing power, by enlarging the profiles and nationalities that can enter & exit the State of Qatar, by offering different Identification & Verification modalities: Facial for ePassport (mainly EU Schengen, US, Canada, UK), Iris for VVIP, Nationals, Residents and GCC citizen, Fingerprint for RTP. On top of that, Entry Visa is paid through an NFC enabled capability inside the ABC solution, that can also enrol passengers when entering into a registered process.
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