C URRICULUM NIGHT Welcome 3A parents! I am so excited to teach third grade at Yinghua Academy as your child’s teacher this year. I am looking forward to working with you to make this successful year for everyone. Zhao laoshi 09/15/2015
A BOUT Z HAO LAOSHI I am Zhao Laoshi. I am starting my second year at Yinghua as third grade teacher, and I also have teaching experience in pre-school, kindergarten, the first grade and the fourth grade. I graduated from the M.ED program of Instruction and Curriculum in University of Minnesota. I love to watch movies and travel in my personal time. I am so excited for this year and I know it is going to be a great time for you, your child and myself.
T HIRD G RADE C URRICULUM M AP Chinese Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience September “ 三兄弟 ” Three Brothers “ 猜猜我是谁 ? " Who Am I? Characteristics; comparing/contrasting Personality Hobbies Animal characteristics Problem solving Numbers to 100,000 Ten thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones Number patterns Addition and Subtraction Sum and difference Adding ones, tens, hundreds, thousands and ten thousands Two-step word problems World Geography Map skills: cardinal directions, map keys/legends with symbols Configuration of the Earth, continent, country, state, city, community, home Life Science: Animal classification: mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and amphibians Vertebrates and invertebrates animals October “ 秋天的信 “The Letter from Autumn “ 动物的行为和环境" Animal Migration Discovering changes: season changes, animal migration Season changes Animal characteristics Multiplication and Division Looking Back Word Problems Multiplying Ones, Tens and Hundreds Quotient and Remainder Dividing Hundreds, Tens and Ones World Geography Landforms topographical terms Life Science Comparing and contrasting animal characteristics November “ 小威的故事 “ The Vikings “ 舅舅的新家 ”Uncle’s New House Exploring the world Immigration New home Housing Describing things Multiplication Tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9 Looking Back Multiplying and Diving by 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s The Early Explores in North America/ Canada Geography of North America Famous and important people in history Columbus Christopher Astronomy Solar system: eight planets, the Sun, and the moon Orbit; rotation and revolution December “ 看星星" Star Gazing Ancient times & legends Constellations Problem solving Story telling Money Dollars and Cents Addition Subtraction The Early Explores in North America/ Canada: The Vikings and the Viking ships Chronological order and timelines Astronomy Moon’s phases, solar eclipse and lunar eclipse Constellations; comet; meteor The Big Dipper and Pole Star
Chinese Language ArtsMathSocial StudiesScience January “ 老鼠嫁女儿" The Mouse Bride Chinese New Year Chinese wedding Heroic search Length Meters and Centimeters Kilometers Yards, Feet and Inches Miles Ancient China Chronological order of 25 dynasties Qin Dynasty and its emperor: Qin Shi Huang Famous and important people in history The Human Body Structures and functions of the skeletal and muscular systems February "饺子的由来 “Story of Jiao-Zi Celebration of our lives Chinese New Year Celebrations Wishes Out with the old, in with the new Weight Kilograms and Grams Word problems Pounds and Ounces Graphs Bar Graphs Ancient China Famous and important people in history Civic value and the society Great achievement and failure of Qin Shi Huang The Human Body Voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles Marrow, compact bones, and spongy bone Ligament, tendon, and cartilage March “ 南丁格尔的故事 ”Story of Florence Nightingale Humanity; thoughtfulness Sympathy Helping others Fractions Fraction of a Whole Equivalent Fractions Geometry Angles Right Angles Ancient Rome Geography Background The Empire of Rome The Decline and Fall of Rome The Eastern Roman Empire The Human Body Brain and nervous system Light and vision: parts and functions of the human eye/ refraction and reflection April “ 发明电灯的爱迪生 ” Thomas Edison Famous people; science biographies Ecology Discovery Being a scientist Areas and Perimeter Area Perimeter Area of a Rectangle Capacity Liters and Milliliters Gallons, Quarts, Pints and Cups Great Rivers of the World Formation of rivers Locate major rivers on a map Rivers and civilization The Human Body Light and vision: parts and functions of the human eye/ refraction and reflection Sound and hearing: parts and functions of the human ear/ vibration and sound wave May/ June “ 北极熊 “The Polar Bears Conservation & the future world Go green Environment friendly Time Hours and Minutes Other Units of Time Review Native Americans Ice age and its background Geography of North America Inuits and Anasazi Ecology Food chain: producer, consumer, and decomposer Ecosystem: desert, grassland, ocean, and rain forest Causes and effects of air, water, and land pollution Conservation and recycling
O UR C URRICULUM Chinese Language Arts (CLA) 1. Textbook 2. Materials: a. Character writing workbook b. Character dictation book (Every Monday) c. Reading materials 3. Pinyin 4. Dictionary
PINYIN zhōng wén 中 文 ( Chinese ) yīng wén 英 文 ( English )
O UR C URRICULUM Chinese Culture Integration 1. Classic Tang Poetry 2. Popular Chinese Sayings and Proverbs 3. Cultural Knowledge and Activities
O UR C URRICULUM Singapore Math 1. Problem solving-Model drawing 2. Materials: a. Workbook b. Practice packet by unit c. Worksheets 3. MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) in April
E XP. Sam is 145 cm tall. He is 28 cm shorter than Eric. What is Eric’s height?
O UR C URRICULUM Science and Social Studies 1. Based on Core Knowledge curriculum 2. Materials: a. Teacher developed texts and workbook by unit b. Science kits 3. Field trips: a. Minnesota Zoo (October) b. Bell Museum Planetarium(January) c. Minnesota History Center(May)
T HIRD GRADE PROJECTS AND ASSIGNMENTS Chinese Language Arts Student-made dictionary Reading Program Writing journal Writing poetry Creating riddles Writing summary Writing story Story telling Writing a mini research report Writing cartoons or comic strips Chinese New Year Performance Social Studies Constructing timeline Constructing charts and graphs Creating pop-up books Making maps Constructing models Science Making posters Creating models Making collage Doing experiments Math Constructing charts or graphs Making board games
A SSESSMENT English Reading and Math 1. NWEA: Fall 2015 and Spring MCA: April 2016 Chinese Reading/Writing, Math, Social study and Science One achievement test per subject per trimester: End of term exams
H OMEWORK E XPECTATIONS Purpose a. Reinforce concepts learned b. Practice targeting academic skills c. Take responsibility Homework should be… a. Completed and turned in daily b. Corrected and turned in the next day for re-check
Homework & Character quizzes Every Monday Chinese character quiz 40-minutes math and Chinese homework in 3rd Grade Make sure your child has distraction free homework time and a set homework place We provide 15 to 20 minutes of free time per day for students to complete part of their homework
S CHOOL E XPECTATIONS 1. Always Try 2. Do Your Best 3. Cooperate and Help Others 4. Respect People and Property 5. Manage Yourself
C LASSROOM R ULES Speak Chinese in the classroom. Be respectful. Listen to the teacher, complete assignments on time. Help each other( we are a community). Give your best effort.
C ONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal reminder 2. Time out in classroom 3. Time out in buddy classroom 4. Student-teacher conference 5. Parent contact
H OW TO H ELP Y OUR S TUDENT S UCCEED IN T HIRD G RADE ? 1. Check your child’s homework and sign the planner daily. 2. Help your child with Math homework (English math terms, word problems) hour homework time every night. 4. Communicate your child’s needs with the teacher
C OMMUNICATION Classroom Page Password: twenty1516