ChADD Twin Cities Coaching Panel to answer: What is coaching and who benefits from it?
Jane Leyden Cavanaugh Spiritual Director
Jane Leyden Cavanaugh Spiritual Director Jane Leyden Cavanaugh combines her passion for ministry with her skills in performance to help people grow in their faith. 12 years of professional performance experience in Chicago and Los Angeles Master¹s degree in Theology and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from the College of St. Catherine Facilitates retreats,leads women's faith groups, and works with people in the areas of spiritual development.
Tina Feigal, M.S., Ed. Parent and Teacher Coach Center for the Challenging Child
Present-Moment Parenting A Real Approach That Really Works Including: The Nurtured Heart Approach Created by Howard Glasser Findings from Heartmath Institute Examples from Coaching
Creating a Cooperative Child Coaching helps you to: See the big picture Learn new techniques for handling behavior Set goals for change Maintain your new skills
Energy and Its Power With Present-Moment Parenting, you learn: where to APPLY your emotional energy and where NOT to apply it. The results are amazing.
The Way Coaching Works Parent Coaching takes place: in person (in the Twin Cities) on the phone (outside the metro) once a week in 45-minute appointments for as many weeks as needed
Advantages to coaching: No need to be a patient No insurance claim or paper trail You are the child’s therapist. The help is woven into the child’s life. You feel better in your parent role. You get all the credit for the improvements.
Steve Harrington CEO, Consult Harrington
Steve Harrington Coaching and organizational development in leadership, business development, strategy, and operations. Harrington grew up in the Twin Cities, and now lives in New York City with his wife and 3 Russian Cats. He spent five years in Moscow teaching Russians capitalism.
Ann L. Henry Career Counselor/Coach Career Visions Consulting
Ann L. Henry Career Counselor/Coach Skilled career counselor, facilitator and coach 17 years of experience working with individuals and groups in corporations, entrepreneurial business, and a university environment. Bachelor's degree in sociology and social work from the University of Iowa. Completed coach's training Involved with advanced training in coaching adults with AD/HD with Nancy Ratey and other coaches.
Ann L. Henry Career Counselor/Coach Advises men and women on career assessment/planning Transitions Performance issues Job search strategies AD/HD coaching Facilitates an adult AD/HD support group
Henry Neils MAPP “Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential”
"MAPP is an integral part of my coaching practice, to the point where I can't imagine not using it. It accelerates the client's understanding of what makes him or her tick. After reviewing their MAPP they know why they do and don't do certain things. The reasons for past problems with jobs become clear. It also helps clients see where their greatest strengths are, so they can build on them, and what their blind spots are so they can deal with those, too. The information in MAPP jumpstarts the coaching process and allows my clients to take action with confidence.” Bill Paxton, President, Paxton Consulting Inc. Burnsville, MN
“Get a job you love, and never work a day in your life.” - Confucius is dedicated to Providing assessments (tests) and appraisals (reports) that are comprehensive and uniquely personal at Internet-speed. We’d like to help each person who visits us reach maximum potential in his or her life work. Our MAPP Appraisals help individuals find work they will love.
Denise K. Pederson, Director, Thomastown Technologies Woodbury,MN
Neuro-state shifting exercise See Hear Feel Smell and taste Time Space Thinking Self-ness
Suzann Wancket Karate Instructor
Why karate for those with ADD/ADHD? Teaches respect and discipline Simon-says sport- directions are given- boundaries- set rules Individualized in that you move at your own pace Structured environment See advancement via belts Can start at almost any age ( 5 and up ) Family sport
Why karate continued Self-defense & safety awareness No sparring at my school- no one loses! -competition-sportsmanship -cost effective and good hours -knowledge/skill you can't take away -you can take a break from the sport and come back to it -year around sport
What changes do we see in our students? Self esteem Sense of belonging Change in eating habits Change in attitude at home Control of anger Change in sleeping habits Physical fitness education testing improves Not as shy Weight control