1 A snapshot of the long-term unemployed Northwest Workforce Council March 26, 2014 Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D., Labor Market and Performance Analysis
2 Definitions and parameters 2012 Workforce 2012 Longitudinal Employment Database (US Census) Long-term unemployed UI exhaustees who had not returned to work as of March 1, 2014 Geography: WDA 3 Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties
3 Gender A higher proportion of the long-term unemployed are male than the workforce as a whole Source: Employment Security Department / LMPA; UI Research and US Census Bureau; LED
4 Age Youth make up a small portion of the long-term unemployed by this measure Older workers are more likely to be among the long-term unemployed Source: Employment Security Department / LMPA; UI Research and US Census Bureau; LED
5 Education level Long term unemployed tend to have lower levels of education overall compared to the employed workforce.
6 Share of Industry Employment Source: Employment Security Department / LMPA; UI Research and US Census Bureau; LED
7 Shifting industry employment
8 Thank you Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D. Regional Labor Economist Esd.wa.gov/employmentdata