CEO Report Board Meeting Leo Meeting
Proposed Budget Modification Received $271, (48%) of the State’s Incentive award. Three special projects to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Careers for Minorities and Females. Six Week College Ready OSU- OKC for 40 High School Juniors. Provide funds for 30 Oklahoma City Public Schools Academy Students Internships Funding for 15 students to enroll in STEM related post-secondary training
Proposed Budget Modification Continued Oklahoma Department of Commerce found unused National Emergency Grant Funds for Disaster Relief Efforts and granted us an additional $241, Increased ResCare funds to cover cost of providing additional workforce services to those who were in temporary work positions. Other money set aside to cover some of the additional System (infrastructure) Cost. May free up other funds to be used on additional projects.
Board Orientation Update Have not forgotten project, but with the passage of the Workforce Investment and Opportunities Act (WIOA) this summer, we will need to wait and make certain that we incorporate law changes into the new board member orientation. Proposed regulations are supposed to be out January 18, I have participated in a comprehensive survey published by the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) to provide local input that might influence how the regulations are written. Bill Bryant and I will be attending a regional Department of Labor (DOL) town hall meeting on WIOA next week in Dallas.
Employer of Record for East Central WIB East Central’s service provider opted not to accept their proposed contract renewal. Smaller budget makes it difficult for EC to find service providers willing to handle their area. They are going to contract for a One-Stop Operator who will supervise their field staff. The staff will be employees of COWIB. Not a conflict since that is not our area.
Update on Outreach and Public Information Campaign Most of the feedback on the proposed new logos, was less than positive. Executive Committee suggested we shouldn’t look to a complete change so we are trying to freshen our existing logo using the color palette featured on our new web site. Comments? Staff will be handling a lot of action items listed in the strategic plan, but may need help on some items that we lack expertise in.
Active Projects Finished the Board certification and the COWIB was certified at the last Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development (GCWED) Have undergone regional monitoring of our National Emergency Grant (NEG) by the U. S. Department of Labor. Still working on providing additional information specifically regarding our use of pre-release felons
Active Projects Continued Working on completing our required two year plan. Due date is October 31, Using the Board’s strategic planning sessions as well as information gathered during our efforts at system certification. We will publish for public comment before the due date and will have two sessions for public comment on November 18 and 19. This is a compliance required plan and very specific about what has to be addressed. Staff has split up the requirements and several of us are working on this project.
Active Projects Continuing to work on the NEG Developing the implementation of the projects that were approved for incentive funding with a variety of partners Working with ReMerge, a female incarceration diversion project, to have ResCare fund half of one position and they will fund the other portion to work with this population on job development Working with Redlands Community College to create and implement a business survey that originated during the strategic planning session.
Active Projects Building a front line staff team to develop better methods of handling adult customers in the workforce centers. Will be hiring a consultant to work with the team and then turn the product into a standard operational manual that can be used by all staff Moore-Norman Technical Center career services staff are developing a course for our one-stop center staff on how to be a more effective career counselor. They have done field visits and interviewed staff to aid in this project.
National Association of Workforce Boards Annual Forum Scheduled for March 28 th through April 1 Currently have eight spots for Board members and Local Elected Officials (LEO) Will have guidance from Board on how to assign those spots Can see if the budget would allow additional attendees if desired.
Questions? Comments Always feel free to contact me anytime (w) (c)