Translating Research for Practical Transition Policy and Practice Richard Luecking, Ed.D. TransCen, Inc.
The Center on Transition to Employment Jointly operated by TransCen, Inc, and Virginia Commonwealth University, funded by NIDRR Focused on three groups of youth who tend to have the lowest employment outcomes: – youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities, – youth with emotional or mental health disabilities, and – minority youth with disabilities. Six studies, plus sub-studies, underway
Overarching Research Questions What factors predict post-school employment outcomes for students with disabilities? Who is at risk for poor outcomes and what at are mitigating or moderating factors? What are the effects of individual student and school factors on the likelihood of youth getting a job?
Overarching Research Questions (continued) What are the characteristics of high performing employment specialists? How does the perceived strength of collaboration in transition teams contribute to successful outcomes? What are the critical components and key performance indicators of school-based supported employment programs?
Key findings to date Employment is impacted by level of household education, family expectations, employment in high school, and arrest record Modifiable factors are related to positive employment outcomes for youth considered to be “at risk” Universally high job placement rates in national employment program for all disability groups, and regardless of school factors and economy
Key findings to date (continued) Highly effective employment specialists have high expectations and business savvy Employers value program competence and responsiveness - disability lesser factor in hiring decisions Collaboration between schools, VR and other partners is effective only to the extent it is outcome driven
Some key implications for transition practice Reinforcing other research, employment prior to school exit predict adult employment. Employment BEFORE school exit is a universally important transition strategy. We can identify and mitigate at risk factors to improve employment outcomes Early, continuous, and focused school/VR collaboration = successful rehabilitation closures
Some key implications for transition practice (continued) Selection and training of transition professionals can be guided by traits known to influence effectiveness and that are appreciated by employers Mounting evidence that presumed employability is a realistic policy and practice construct. That is, disability labels, school factors, socio-economic factors, “at risk” factors, and the economy need not influence employment outcomes
Work is Good! It is both: – An important transition intervention – A realistic and desired outcome of transition to adulthood
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