Special Relationships with Special Kids Horses Healing Humans Retreat
Property Pike County-PA We are trying to obtain a Property for $2.5 million with 200+ acres with 90% wooded. The owners are willing to work with us but need a sizable down payment and a plan of payment schedule as we apply for grants. Basically, this is the place where we want to call home for our organization. We are looking at $5.5 Million total with 30+ jobs over 3 yrs. Our nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization has been volunteer since This property will be the place people will not want to leave and will bring people back frequently and become a tourist attraction, which will help our economy and protect the Wildlife and the land from being developed. We have spoken just with The Dime Bank, Pike County DCED, DCNR in Harrisburg, and locally. We would like to apply for Growing Greener, PA Conservation Works Energy Conservation Funding, Pike County Bonding Program, received approval of our project from the township, and any other possible opportunities to acquire this property before it is bought by a developer. We can’t waste any more time. We need your help and support in obtaining grants and assistance with fundraising. We need help obtaining RACP Grant, The Gaming Commission Grant (deadline is coming up). This incredible property would be ECO Friendly, Recycle, solar, wind, composting. This recreation facility will be horse oriented and we would be able to hire people that desperately need jobs. This project would be ADA accessible with playgrounds, lodge to eat and sleep, picnic tables, park benches, dirt road widening, promoting volunteerism, wetland protection, petting area, walking trail/wildlife trails (with educational programs), playgrounds, horseback riding (public too), trail rides, therapeutic riding for the special needs as well as programs for troubled, underprivileged overweight, blind, etc children and youth, education of history of cowboys, Indians and how the horses made history, rescue horses, tourism, special events, camps, weddings, clinics, games for children that will be team building skills, learning how to deal with others who are not like you, leadership and life skills, swimming etc. This will be great for several different surrounding counties to have a place to go for a break away from the daily life for 1 day or a week. Our plans are to expand the road in (now 1 car wide) as you enter the property. On the left side build a lodge to eat and sleep (as well as in the main house) on the right side of the road would be the barn with indoor arena and pasture. This is the ONLY cleared part of the property that is not wooded until you get to the main house. (which is surrounded by trees) It has two septic systems, a small caretaker’s house that would be used as a nurses station.(at the beginning of the property) Some trails are very well marked now and some we would want to make some new ones. Please help us with this project off the ground. We need your support in obtaining funding and fundraising so we can bring new visitors to this area. Please join us in helping our economy, preserving our land and forests, educate our children and youth and provide a safe haven for ALL of our families. Thank you Beverly Peffer, President The Pocono Equestrian Center
Sponsorship Opportunities: Name the Barn, Lodge, Stalls and Ranch Sponsorship Opportunities: Name the Barn, Lodge, Stalls and Ranch Educational Programs, Wildlife/Nature Trails and Hiking Educational Programs, Wildlife/Nature Trails and Hiking Activities For You To Share With Your Kids Activities For You To Share With Your Kids Eco Friendly Atmosphere -Wind Turbines/Solar Energy And More Eco Friendly Atmosphere -Wind Turbines/Solar Energy And More Freedom To Allow Your Children To Play And Learn Without The Worry Of Being Judged Freedom To Allow Your Children To Play And Learn Without The Worry Of Being Judged On-site camps, clinics, fun for all in the outdoors On-site camps, clinics, fun for all in the outdoors
Our new center makes us the only facility in the country to: create local jobs that are desperately needed; and help both children and horses that are misunderstood by the larger population. Our children, and families who may either never seen a horse or had an opportunity to have a bonding experience, will be able to stay overnight, enjoy their horse, plus other kids’ activities that will enable them to see they are not the only ones that have a disability. Our new center makes us the only facility in the country to: create local jobs that are desperately needed; and help both children and horses that are misunderstood by the larger population. Our children, and families who may either never seen a horse or had an opportunity to have a bonding experience, will be able to stay overnight, enjoy their horse, plus other kids’ activities that will enable them to see they are not the only ones that have a disability Bedroom Equestrian Therapy Center/Home With 150+ Acres For Horse Riding/Therapy
Rescue and Rehabilitation for horses in need. Rescue and Rehabilitation for horses in need. Therapeutic Riding for the Disabled Therapeutic Riding for the Disabled Educational programs for children and youth Educational programs for children and youth Internships-Volunteer Groups Internships-Volunteer Groups Indoor Swimming For All Seasons Indoor Swimming For All Seasons Indoor Jacuzzi For Your Relaxation Indoor Jacuzzi For Your Relaxation Pool Tables & Other Recreational Games Pool Tables & Other Recreational Games Indoor Gymnasium For Basketball, Soccer And Other Team Sports Indoor Gymnasium For Basketball, Soccer And Other Team Sports Horsemanship & Trail Riding Horsemanship & Trail Riding Wildlife Trails To Enjoy Wildlife Trails To Enjoy Children’s Arts & Crafts Children’s Arts & Crafts Weddings, Reunions & Special Family Events Weddings, Reunions & Special Family Events Overnight Camp For Kids And Adults (Inside Or Outside) Overnight Camp For Kids And Adults (Inside Or Outside) Birthday Parties, Bar Mitzvah Ceremonies & Special Parties Birthday Parties, Bar Mitzvah Ceremonies & Special Parties Life Skills & Educational Programs Life Skills & Educational Programs Youth Writing Retreats & Seminars Youth Writing Retreats & Seminars Facility Rentals For Fundraisers & Other Community Events Facility Rentals For Fundraisers & Other Community Events Stay For The Week Or Month Stay For The Week Or Month And So Much More! And So Much More!
Enjoy Our Large Patio Off Of The Main Pool. We Offer Five Star Quality Rooming Quarters In The Main House. We Will Soon Offer Cabins And Camping Options For Our More Outdoor Minded Guests.
21’ X 27 GAME ROOM
Caretaker home and Barn
Big Or Small – We Will Do Anything For Our Kids Big Or Small – We Will Do Anything For Our Kids The Pocono Equestrian Center Hopes To Bring You And Your Family Many Opportunities To Learn From Each Other And Have Fun In The Process The Pocono Equestrian Center Hopes To Bring You And Your Family Many Opportunities To Learn From Each Other And Have Fun In The Process Our facilities and services are very reasonably priced; we understand your need for economy and increased health. Call us today and let us know your needs: Our facilities and services are very reasonably priced; we understand your need for economy and increased health. Call us today and let us know your needs:
1.Volunteer, Get A Job Or Intern Here With Us At The Pocono Equestrian Center 2.Kids Clubs and Memberships for Everyone 3.Year round Trail Riding and lessons 4.Petting area 5.Cabins/Bungalows to rent (Phase 2) 6.Kids Camps for all children/youth 7.How To Pick A Horse That Is RIGHT For You 8.Learn How To Swim 9.Clinics on Natural Horsemanship to Writing a Book 10.Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation 11.How To Pick A Horse Vet 12.Learn About The Costs Of Keeping A Horse 13.Learning About Therapeutic Riding 14.Learn How Having A Horse Can Teach Your Child/Children 15.Learning Horse Food - Hay, Alfalfa, Grain, Corn 16.Horse Psychology 101 –Natural Horsemanship 17.How To Work With Children, Youth And Others With Disabilities & Other Consulting As Needed 18.Learn To Trail Ride Or Take A Special Nature Walk
So join us in making this an exciting time of true adventure for you and your family. Come join the fun and relaxation of everything we offer at The Pocono Equestrian Center. Whether trail riding or relaxing in our Jacuzzi; whether learning to write your next novel or learning to balance on a horse; whether your children need the adventure of a horse experience or you need a little R&R; we are here for you! Call or us, ask questions, make comments or suggestions and watch the magic that happens for our children. It is just that…….. MAGIC! Contact Us Today! Phone: The Pocono Equestrian Center 210 N Lincoln Avenue Scranton, PA All volunteer/501(c)(3) Contact Us Today To Make a Difference and Become a Sponsor! The Pocono Equestrian Center is registered with the State Bureau of Charities. To obtain registration and financial information or file a complaint, go to: