CSC350: Learning Management Systems COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (Virtual Campus)
Lecture # 11 Changing Organizations Stress, Conflict, and Virtuality
Review of the Previous Lecture Finding appropriate human resources Relationship among recruitment efforts, an open position, sources of human resources, and the law Use of tests and assessment centers in employee selection How the training process operates Performance appraisals and how best they can be conducted
Topics of Discussion Fundamental principles of changing an organization Insights about factors to consider when changing an organization An appreciation for the relationship between change and stress How to handle conflict as a factor related to organizational change Knowledge about virtuality as a vehicle for organizational change
FUNDAMENTALS OF CHANGING AN ORGANIZATION Process involves modifying an existing organization to increase organizational effectiveness Managers realize the reality and necessity of change for organizational success in today’s environment
Change Versus Stability
FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHANGING AN ORGANIZATION Change Agent Determining What Should be Changed Kind of Change to Make Individuals Affected by the Change Evaluation of the Change
Factors Influence on Success of the Change
Change Agent Most important factor Individual/individuals inside/outside organization who work to modify and implement the change Requires skills to solve change-related problems
Determining What Should Be Changed People Factors Attitudes, Leadership Skills, Communication Skills Structural Factors Organizational Controls, Policies, Procedures Technological Factors Equipment or Processes Assisting Employees in Performance of Jobs
Impact on Organizational Effectiveness
Kind of Change to Make Technological Structural People Modifying level of technology used Structural Changing organizational controls People Organization development - OD
Grid OD
Weaknesses of OD Time consuming Effectiveness is difficult to evaluate Vague objectives Costs difficult to gauge Expensive programs
Impact of Change on Employees Resistance to Change Fear of personal loss Reduction in personal prestige Disturbance of established social and working relationships Personal failure Reducing Resistance Avoid surprises Promote genuine understanding Set the stage for change
Evaluation of the Change Was change successful? Does change need to be modified? Is further change necessary?
CHANGE AND STRESS Bodily strain individual experiences as a result of coping with some environmental factor Wear and tear on the body Body’s subconscious mobilization of energy when employee is confronted with new organizational or work demands Costs companies $150B per year
Influence of Stress on Worker Performance
Identifying Unhealthy Stress High blood pressure Pounding heart Gastrointestinal disorders Constant fatigue Low energy Moodiness Increased aggression Excessive use of alcohol Temper outbursts Compulsive eating High levels of anxiety Chronic worrying
Help Employees Deal With Stress Create supportive organizational climate Implement stress management courses Make jobs interesting Design and operate career counseling services
CHANGE AND CONFLICT Conflict Struggle resulting from opposing needs or feelings of two or more people Can result in positive outcome for organization Generally results when managers make changes that threaten employees or create conflicting views between managers and employees
Strategies for Settling Conflict
Strategies for Settling Conflict Compromising Involved parties get PART of what they wanted Avoiding Conflict is ignored Forcing Managers declare conflict is ended Resolving Differences are worked out
VIRTUALITY Virtual Organization Organization extended beyond boundaries and structure of a traditional organization by connecting all parties through e-mail and other Internet-related vehicles such as videoconferencing
The Virtual Office Continuum
Challenges in Managing a Virtual Office More difficult to create a desired organizational culture More difficult to integrate employees into fabric of organizational culture More difficult to supervise employees More difficult to communicate with employees
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