Origins of Iraq & Afghanistan Wars. 1979-1987 Soviets Invade Afghanistan US lends support to “Mujahideen”


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Presentation transcript:

Origins of Iraq & Afghanistan Wars

Soviets Invade Afghanistan US lends support to “Mujahideen”

Soviets out of Afghanistan Political instability US pulls all funding and support Taliban ("Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement”) come to power in 1996

Iran-Iraq War US supports Saddam Hussein Provided him with chemical & biological weapons Iraq wins

1991--Persian Gulf War Soviet Union has collapsed Hussein invades Kuwait US feels that he is becoming too powerful (not controllable)

Persian Gulf War cont’d US/ UN defeat Hussein in a few months Pres Bush (sr) decides to NOT occupy Iraq US troops left on Saudi border

Rise of Al Qaeda Forms in 1988 to oppose “Western” presence in Middle East Turns attention to US after Persian Gulf War

Al Qaeda Attacks on US 1993: WTC car bomb 2000: USS Cole in Yemen 2001: WTC buildings, Pentagon

Bush’s response to 9-11 Oct 2001: US attacks Afghanistan Taliban provided safe haven for bin Laden and Al Qaeda Mar 2003: Iraq –Explanation given: Hussein had WMD’s & would give them to terrorists

Controversy over Iraq War Iraq was not behind Al Qaeda was not in Iraq and no Iraqis were involved in 9-11 Other reasons?

Project for a New American Century 1998: “.U.S. policy should have as its specific goal removing Saddam Hussein’s regime … Only the U.S. can (demonstrate) that his rule is not legitimate. To accomplish (this) the following political and military measures should be undertaken …” The first “measure to be taken” was what has now become the blueprint for each planned overthrow of a sovereign government: “We should help establish and support (with economic, political and military means) a provisional, representative and free government of Iraq in areas of Iraq not under Saddam’s control.”

Where are we at today? US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan…but some are in Pakistan US is fighting Al Qaeda…which is everywhere US is fighting Iraqi insurgents

Relevance to SPAM & Filipino Wars Why did some oppose and most support the war? How did the media fuel the war? How can you form an intelligent opinion about a conflict if the media sensationalizes and transmits whatever the leaders want you to hear?