- Update on (some) EUN’s Content Projects David Massart, EUN EdReNe Meeting Chasseneuil, France - Oct. 27, 2011
- Outline Learning Resource Exchange eQNet iTEC 2
Learning Resource Exchange 27/10/2011Update on EUN’s projects3
- LOs, Metadata, and Repositories Update on EUN’s projects 4 27/10/2011
- Learning Resource Exchange 5
- LRE Metadata Application Profile
- Federating Content By All Means 7
- Finding Repositories Update on EUN’s projects 8 27/10/2011
- Adding Social Data Update on EUN’s projects 9 27/10/2011
- Bringing Content Providers on Board Update on EUN’s projects 10 27/10/2011
- LRE for Schools ( Update on EUN’s projects 11 27/10/2011
- LRE Subcommittee LRE governing body Meets twice a year Founding members and Associate members have one vote each and elect a Chair Technical Advisory Board – chaired by EUN Decisions on operation of LRE and annual workplan decided by Founding and Associate partners Changes to statutes of LRE Governing Committee and LRE members ship rules require majority decision by Founding members (MoE) Option to terminate LRE development and maintenance
- Types of LRE partners LRE Founding partners – MoE LRE Associate partners –Territorial, regional, municipal authorities –Commercial and public sector content providers –Tools’ providers LRE Subscription members –Smaller organizations exploring LRE added value LRE Affiliate partners –Do not pay a membership fee or have voting rights –e.g., PhET
- For Further Information WEB:
eQNet 27/10/2011Update on EUN’s projects15
- Recent Tasks for eQNet Applying TW criteria to evaluate LRE resources –Voting on TW or non-TW –Indicating which criteria apply Gathering feedback on criteria from a variety of teachers (expert and non-expert) using questionnaires Gathering feedback from eQNet teachers on their experiences with digital resources in discussion forums Addressing the need for clear information on copyright and IPR issues for educators Following Achieve, Inc. – U.S. Common Core Standards/Quality rubrics–
- eQNet Task Results from Summer 2011 Teachers recommended TW collections LRE reviewed the collections LRE Harvested collections when possible TW resources recommended by teachers in LRE: elwell-all elwell-all Resulting in high quality collections in the LRE
New Collection#Type of Resources Animovaná Fyzika, Czech Rep. 26Animations – Physics- Everyday Machine Arcademic Skill Builders, USA 41Animated multi-player math games for primary and lower secondary DNA Learning Center, USA 84Animations on various aspects of genetics and history of genetics (in 5 languages) Freesound, Multi- national 115, 879 Sound samples with open licenses – music, animals, city sounds free to remix and share GeoGebra, Austria256Algebra/Geometry applets created by teachers. Swedish, Finnish, English, etc. Many more available.
New Collection#Type of Resources Khan Academy, USA1921Popular video tutorials on math and other subjects with practice sets Learn English Kids, British Council, UK 463Animations, worksheets, songs, for younger children learning English – instructions in 4 languages NeoK12, USA18Videos, worksheets and games reviewed by teachers and organized by teaching subject – more on the way. NLVM, USA382interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives mostly in the form of Java applets, for mathematics instruction. Available in 4 languages Nobel Prize Games, Sweden30Interactive games on topics awarded Nobel Prizes
New Collection#Type of Resources PhET, USA100Physics simulations in more than 20 languages Physics Animations55Animations in 4 languages demonstrating concepts in physics. Physics and Chemistry Videos, U. of Nottingham, UK) 288Videos demonstrating physics and chemistry topics. Some are available with Portuguese subtitles. School History, UK105Teacher created animated assessments on various aspects of history taught in school. Software to make the quiz yourself also freely available. Wolfram, Multi-national2972Open-code user submitted resources using dynamic computation to illuminate complex concepts in science, technology, mathematics, art, finance, etc.
Criteria and examples of resources that Travel Well See PDF file
LRE Content Providers
Total of 1545 Votes from Teachers on LRE Resources
LRE Reporting to Providers Current task has generated data Each provider evaluated will receive reports – Total Travel Well – Which criteria Discussion of future plans for content quality
Number of Votes Per Criteria
Number of Votes without Image Dominated Collections (INDIRE and FNBE)
For Further Information WEB:
- iTEC The iTEC technology approach aims at making the technical components, (people, tools, services and content) required by the scenarios, interoperable and discoverable, so that teachers can more easily select and combine relevant components tailored to the future classroom scenario of their choice iTEC - Designing the future classroom 29
- Shell and Widgets Shell: Educational software that supports learning activities by providing access to resources (e.g., application, content, device, person) mainly via widget technology As a result of this pedagogical vision, we foresee that all resources – in one way or another – become eventually represented by widgets 30
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 31 27/10/2011
- Composer and Learning Stories Composer: Authoring tool that supports the composition of learning stories enriched by resources made available via the iTEC Application Store and the iTEC back-end Directory Learning stories created can be re-used for semi-automatic customization of a shell to support learners in achieving their educational objectives 32
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 33 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 34 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 35 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 36 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 37 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 38 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 39 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 40 27/10/2011
- iTEC Architecture Update on EUN’s projects 41 27/10/2011
For Further Information WEB: