Presented by Lois ScottAugust 21, 2015
Why We Are Here Financial and Participant Data Overview Program Year 2014 – 2015 – Program Performance – Performance Incentives Programmatic Monitoring and Oversight What’s New? – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Update Agenda
Section (3), F.S. The Department of Economic Opportunity, under the direction of CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall assign staff to meet with each regional workforce board annually to review the board’s performance and to certify that the board is in compliance with applicable state and federal law. Why We Are Here
Total Participants Served: 32,138
$1,000,000 allocated for PY Employer Penetration Incentives – $500,000 allocated for Employer Retention incentives (20% Increase) – $250,000 allocated for Continuous Improvement incentives (10% Increase) – $250,000 allocated for Excellence incentives (25% Increase) PY Performance Incentives
Employer Penetration Incentive Awards SummaryRetention Continuous Improvement Excellence PY Employer Penetration Incentive Award Allocations LWDAEmployer Retention (20% Increase)Continuous Improvement (10% Increase)Excellence (25% Increase)Total Allocation 1$12,481$15,308 $43,097 2$16,532$5,482 $27,496 3$4,678$2,991 $10,660 4$11,823$3,865 $19,553 5$15,366$5,862 $27,090 6$3,961$2,928 $9,818 7$3,812$1,420 $6,652 8$27,174$12,166 $51,507 9$7,324$4,733 $16,791 10$18,355$7,969 $34,293 11$14,544$7,355 $29,254 12$44,812$13,826 $72,463 13$24,827$13,404 $51,636 14$25,485$15,724 $56,933 15$35,903$11,313 $58,530 16$13,722$14,273 $42,267 17$17,877$5,618 $29,112 18$15,889$7,901 $31,691 19$7,758$3,636 $15,029 20$13,662$10,330 $34,322 21$15,784$5,430 $26,645 22$61,882$23,995 $109,871 23$68,503$42,439 $153,381 24$17,847$12,031 $41,909 Statewide$500,000$250,000 $1,000,000 Employer Retention (20% Increase): July 1, June 30, 2015 PY (Baseline)PY (Year-to-Date)PY Goal LWDA Total Emp. Served New Emp. % New Emp. Served Return Emp. % Return Emp. Served % of STW Return Emp. Served Total Emp. Served New Emp. % New Emp. Served Return Emp. % Return Emp. Served % of STW Return Emp. Served Add’l Return Emp. Needed Total Return Emp. Needed % of Goal Incentive Allocation 13,2732, % %2.5%4,4041, %2, %6.0%1671, %$12,481 22,6561, %1, %3.3%3,3311, %1, %2.9%2211, %$16, % %0.9% % %0.7% %$4,678 42,2351, % %2.4%2,9121, %1, %2.1% %$11,823 52,3421, %1, %3.1%2,9691, %1, %3.6%2061, %$15, % %0.8% % %0.9% %$3, % %0.8% % %0.5% %$3,812 85,5043, %1, %5.4%7,4414, %2, %5.6%3642, %$27,174 91,8421, % %1.5%2,2011, % %1.7% %$7, ,1211, %1, %3.7%3,4501, %1, %3.4%2461, %$18, ,5891, % %2.9%4,2002, %1, %2.6%1951, %$14, ,8654, %2, %9.0%10,0806, %3, %7.7%6003, %$44, ,4832, %1, %5.0%3, %2, %4.5%3321, %$24, ,3743, %1, %5.1%6,9233, %3, %6.7%3412, %$25, ,7915, %2, %7.2%10,1707, %2, %6.2%4802, %$35, ,7072, % %2.7%4,7553, %1, %3.0%1841, %$13, ,0071, %1, %3.6%3,8252, %1, %3.1%2391, %$17, ,9151, %1, %3.2%3,9471, %1, %4.0%2131, %$15, , % %1.6%1,7431, % %1.3% %$7, ,7081, % %2.7%3,4301, %2, %4.4%1831, %$13, ,3163, %1, %3.2%6,1524, %2, %4.3%2111, %$15, ,3227, %4, %12.4%10,7195, %5, %10.8%8284, %$61, ,74712, %4, %13.7%17,35912, %5, %10.9%9175, %$68, ,2283, %1, %3.6%5,3693, %1, %3.1%2391, %$17,847 STW101,30267, %33, %100.0%120,26171, %48, %100.0%6,69040, %$500,000 Employers Served - Continuous Improvement (10% Stretch): July 1, June 30, 2015 PY (Baseline)PY (Year-to-Date)PY Goal LWDAAll Emp. Level 1 Emp. % Receiving Level 1 % of All Emp. % of All Level 1 Emp.All Emp. Level 1 Emp. % Receiving Level 1 % of All Emp. % of All Level 1 Emp.All Emp. % of All Emp. Goal Level 1 Emp. % of Level 1 Emp. Goal Incentive Allocation 13,2732, %3.23%6.12%4,4043, %3.66%5.52%3, %3, %$15,308 22,6561, %2.62%2.19%3,3311, %2.77%2.14%2, %1, %$5, %0.79%1.20% %0.44%0.56% % %$2,991 42, %2.21%1.55%2, %2.42%1.38%2, % %$3,865 52,3421, %2.31%2.34%2,9692, %2.47%2.89%2, %1, %$5, %0.63%1.17% %0.70%1.01% % %$2, %0.45%0.57% %0.39%0.51% % %$1,420 85,5042, %5.43%4.87%7,4413, %6.19%5.31%6, %2, %$12,166 91, %1.82%1.89%2,2011, %1.83%2.43%2, %1, %$4, ,1211, %3.08%3.19%3,4501, %2.87%2.71%3, %1, %$7, ,5891, %2.56%2.94%4,2002, %3.49%3.42%2, %1, %$7, ,8652, %7.74%5.53%10,0805, %8.38%7.43%8, %2, %$13, ,4832, %4.42%5.36%3,0442, %2.53%3.32%4, %2, %$13, ,3743, %5.30%6.29%6,9234, %5.76%5.97%5, %3, %$15, ,7912, %7.69%4.53%10,1703, %8.46%4.69%8, %2, %$11, ,7072, %3.66%5.71%4,7553, %3.95%5.12%4, %3, %$14, ,0071, %2.97%2.25%3,8252, %3.18%2.88%3, %1, %$5, ,9151, %2.88%3.16%3,9473, %3.28%4.65%3, %1, %$7, , %1.36%1.45%1, %1.45%1.37%1, % %$3, ,7081, %2.67%4.13%3,4302, %2.85%3.95%2, %2, %$10, ,3161, %4.26%2.17%6,1523, %5.12%5.32%4, %1, %$5, ,3224, %11.17%9.60%10,7195, %8.91%8.22%12, %5, %$23, ,7478, %16.58%16.98%17,35910, %14.43%14.85%18, %8, %$42, ,2282, %4.17%4.81%5,3693, %4.46%4.34%4, %2, %$12,031 STW101,30248, %100.00% 120,26171, %100.00% 111, %52, %$250,000 Employers Served - Excellence (25% Stretch): July 1, June 30, 2015 PY (Baseline)PY (Year-to-Date)PY Goal LWDAAll Emp. Level 1 Emp. % Receiving Level 1 % of All Emp. % of All Level 1 Emp.All Emp. Level 1 Emp. % Receiving Level 1 % of All Emp. % of All Level 1 Emp.All Emp. % of All Emp. Goal Level 1 Emp. % of Level 1 Emp. Goal Incentive Allocation 13,2732, %3.23%6.12%4,4043, %3.66%5.52%4, %3, %$15,308 22,6561, %2.62%2.19%3,3311, %2.77%2.14%3, %1, %$5, %0.79%1.20% %0.44%0.56%1, % %$2,991 42, %2.21%1.55%2, %2.42%1.38%2, % %$3,865 52,3421, %2.31%2.34%2,9692, %2.47%2.89%2, %1, %$5, %0.63%1.17% %0.70%1.01% % %$2, %0.45%0.57% %0.39%0.51% % %$1,420 85,5042, %5.43%4.87%7,4413, %6.19%5.31%6, %2, %$12,166 91, %1.82%1.89%2,2011, %1.83%2.43%2, %1, %$4, ,1211, %3.08%3.19%3,4501, %2.87%2.71%3, %1, %$7, ,5891, %2.56%2.94%4,2002, %3.49%3.42%3, %1, %$7, ,8652, %7.74%5.53%10,0805, %8.38%7.43%9, %3, %$13, ,4832, %4.42%5.36%3,0442, %2.53%3.32%5, %3, %$13, ,3743, %5.30%6.29%6,9234, %5.76%5.97%6, %3, %$15, ,7912, %7.69%4.53%10,1703, %8.46%4.69%9, %2, %$11, ,7072, %3.66%5.71%4,7553, %3.95%5.12%4, %3, %$14, ,0071, %2.97%2.25%3,8252, %3.18%2.88%3, %1, %$5, ,9151, %2.88%3.16%3,9473, %3.28%4.65%3, %1, %$7, , %1.36%1.45%1, %1.45%1.37%1, % %$3, ,7081, %2.67%4.13%3,4302, %2.85%3.95%3, %2, %$10, ,3161, %4.26%2.17%6,1523, %5.12%5.32%5, %1, %$5, ,3224, %11.17%9.60%10,7195, %8.91%8.22%14, %5, %$23, ,7478, %16.58%16.98%17,35910, %14.43%14.85%20, %10, %$42, ,2282, %4.17%4.81%5,3693, %4.46%4.34%5, %2, %$12,031 STW101,30248, %100.00% 120,26171, %100.00% 126, %60, %$250,000
United States Department of Labor (USDOL) mandated report, used as an assessment tool for state workforce systems. Common Measures consists of 3 Adult Measures, 3 Dislocated Worker Measures, 3 Youth Measures and 3 Wagner-Peyser Measures. PY negotiations were conducted with all Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs), utilizing the USDOL’s Regression Model as the starting point for negotiations. Common Measures
FLORIDA WORKFORCE COMMON MEASURES – LWDA 11 PERFORMANCE PY : July 1, March 31, 2015 Outcomes Common Measures Performance Performance Performance rd Quarter PY Performance Goals % of Performance Goal Met PY Performance Goals % of Performance Goal Met Adults: 1Entered Employment Rate 78.60%85.28%92.40%82.10%112.55%79.10%116.81% 2Employment Retention Rate 86.80%92.26%93.00%88.30%105.32%88.30%105.32% 3Average 6-Months Earnings $16,523.80$18,422.87$16,688.00$18, %$18, % Dislocated Workers: 4Entered Employment Rate 87.40%91.22%93.30%86.20%108.24%86.20%108.24% 5Employment Retention Rate 91.40%92.17%93.60%89.70%104.35%89.70%104.35% 6Average 6-Months Earnings $14,378.80$14,930.71$14,722.00$16, %$16, % Youth Common Measures: 7Placement in Employment or Education 44.90%65.52%69.90%48.20%145.02%55.43%126.10% 8Attainment of a Degree or Certificate 65.70%85.63%88.60%66.30%133.63%76.25%116.20% 9Literacy and Numeracy Gains 62.40%83.64%79.80%71.30%111.92%82.00%97.32% Wagner-Peyser: 10 Entered Employment Rate Not Available53.00%52.92%64.00%82.69%54.73%96.69% 11 Employment Retention Rate Not Available83.00%83.43%79.00%105.61%79.00%105.61% 12 Average 6-Months Earnings Not Available$12,024.00$11,865.45$11, %$11, % Not Met (less than 80% of negotiated) Met (80-100% of negotiated) Exceeded (greater than 100% of negotiated)
LWDAs that fail to meet one or more negotiated performance goals for a program year will be subject to corrective action. Corrective Action 1 st Year (Any Measure) Technical assistance must be provided. LWDA will have opportunity to develop measures to improve performance. 2 nd Consecutive Year (Same Measure) Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). PIP elements will vary depending upon the extent and nature of the failure(s).
Federal law requires the state to develop an oversight system to monitor all workforce programs receiving federal funds. DEO, in consultation with CareerSource Florida (CSF), annually develops and implements a process for monitoring LWDAs. Corrective Action Plans to address all findings are required. Programmatic and performance monitoring is completed annually. Programmatic Monitoring and Oversight
PY Summary of Local Findings
The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 was reauthorized in July On July 22, 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law. Effective July 1, 2015, WIOA supersedes WIA and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of WIOA Update
Established in state law. Includes 20 members to meet in two webinars and four in- person meetings from April – August Makes recommendations to be reviewed by CSF Board and gather Board input. CSF Board to consider recommendations at September and November 2015 Board meetings. Possible legislation in 2016 session to implement recommendations for inclusion in State Plan (March 2016). WIOA Task Force
WIOA Timeline April-Aug Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in- person meetings) Sept WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered Nov Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature Jan.- March Legislative Session March 2016 Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor
For more information, please contact: Lois Scott, Bureau Chief Florida Department of Economic Opportunity One-Stop and Program Support (850) Additional Information