A PLC by Steve Fadini, Christine McGovern, Jake Ziegler, and Suzanne Ziegler Multiplication Fact Fluency For a copy of this presentation please go to
Focus Examine how learning/reinforcing basic math facts will improve mathematical fluency.
Our Approach -Conducted research -Developed a plan how to gauge students’ prior levels of multiplication fact fluency -Developed pre and post surveys to assess the students’ perceived strengths and weaknesses in reference to math facts -Plan to distribute surveys in September to identify strengths and weaknesses and implement appropriate fact program based on the data
Survey This survey will help the teachers identify your strengths and weaknesses with your basic multiplication math facts. Please circle the answer that best fits your opinion. Please be honest. 1) I have mastered my basic multiplication math facts YesNo 2) I mastered my basic multiplication math facts 0-12 at which grade? 3rd 4th5th 6th Not yet mastered
Survey cont. 3) For this section you will circle your level of confidence with your multiplication math facts. 0Confident Somewhat Confident Not Confident 1Confident Somewhat Confident Not Confident 2Confident Somewhat Confident Not Confident This continues on up to 12.
Survey cont. 4) In elementary school, I practiced my math facts: FrequentlySeldomNever 5) In middle school, I practice my math facts: FrequentlySeldomNever 6) Do you currently feel you need to improve your math facts? Yes No
Survey cont. 7) How did you learn your math facts? (Circle all that apply.) Flash Cards Games Studying a multiplication chart Timed Tests Other:___________________ 8)Why do you think in middle school it is important to know your math facts? Students can write a few sentences as their response.
Programs Under Review Mastering the Math Facts Mad Minute Various online games listed on our individual websites Develop our own method
Literature Reviewed Burns, M (2007). Nine ways to catch kids up. Educational Leadership, 65 (30). Retrieved from leadership/nov07/vol65/num03/Nine-Ways-to-Catch-Kids-Up.aspx. Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). Mathematics, Grade 6, Introduction. Retrieved from Hooser, A (2011). Math Engagement Linked to Grasp of Concepts. ASCD Express, 6(24). Retrieved from hooser.aspx. O’Connell, S. & SanGiovanni, J. (2011). Mastering the Basic Math Facts in Multiplication and Division: Strategies, Activities & Interventions to Move Students Beyond Memorization. Portsmouth, NH, Heinmann.