The Cold War Finally Thaws Out Korean War ( ) Vietnam War ( ) Afghan War ( )
Korean war Split after WWII between US and USSR – Temporary gov’ts created in images of their major allies – Reunification of Korea desired by BOTH sides
So Who Gets Control? Kim Il Sung leads North – Communist Syngman Rhee leads South – Democrat In 1949 the US and USSR agree to leave the country – USSR leaves military equipment in the North
Condemning the South Koreans US Sec of State Dean Acheson says the protection of the South is now the UN’s responsibility
Invasion and Counter-Punch 25 June 1950 – North Korea invades very quickly and pushes for Seoul Battle of Pusan Perimeter (4 Aug – 18 Sept 1950) – 140,000 UN troops were pushed to the brink of defeat but rallied at the Pusan Perimeter – UN troops hold and North Korea is forced back after a counter attack at Inchon
Move North After the successful counter-attack at Inchon, UN under MacArthur moves north quickly – Make it to the Yalu River China threatens US and then gets into the fray pushing UN back below 38 th
Truman and the End of the War MacArthur wants to use nukes…makes it public – Truman fires him for insubordination UN does not want to get into a bigger battle in China Eisenhower signs armistice 27 July DMZ created but no treaty is ever signed
Vietnam War Before WWII – French controlled – Ho Chi Minh tried to get the US to help him against France but the US refused US wants to rebuild Europe
The 1 st Vietnam War France tries to rebuild empire Lose at Dien Bien Phu (1954) – Splits Vietnam in two on the 17 th parallel – Agreement for general election that the US refuses to agree to (afraid of communists)
South Vietnam Declared the Republic of Vietnam with Ngo Dinh Diem as president – The National Liberation Front (NLF), or Viet Cong, established in S. Vietnam Support Communist movement and Ho Chi Minh JFK orders 16,000 troops in to aid the South against the Viet Cong
Gulf of Tonkin Incident 2 Aug 1964 North Vietnam attacked USS Maddox – LBJ decides to escalate the war Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – The president make take all necessary measure to prevent further aggression in Southeast Asia
A Hard War Many peasants were rebels – Knew the land – More people were willing to help them – Turned all villages into military targets North was aided by USSR and China – Were vicious in their attacks but there was retaliation Execution of a Viet Cong
Napalm and Agent Orange Napalm – mixture of thickening/gelling agent and petroleum for an incendiary device – Widely used as an anti-personnel device Agent Orange – herbicide used on trees and vegetation in Vietnam
Tet Offensive 1968 – guerilla forces attacked American and South Vietnamese forces in all across the South – Seen as a military loss for the communists because they didn’t take any cities – Turning point in the public opinion of the war in the US
Paris Peace Accords Cease-fire negotiated – Decision: US withdraws troops North Vietnam agrees to not send in any more troops 1975 – North Vietnam reinvades and conquers the country
Afghanistan War
Mohammad Zahir Shah Last king of Afghanistan ( ) – Provided an era of stable gov’t for his country Including irrigation and highway construction
Communist Revolution 1973 – Daoud Khan – Considered progressive: rights for women and two five-year modernization plans 1975 – Muhammad Taraki – Tried to use Marxist land and social reforms but people revolted – Went to the Soviets for assistance – Forced to name Hafizullah Amin as prime minister who then took over the country
The Mujahedeen Muslim guerilla force created to overthrow the Amin gov’t through jihad
Russians invade Afghanistan but insist they were invited 27 Dec 1979 – Russians shoot Amin and he is replaced by Babrak Kamal
Heavily armored transport Designed to destroy the jihadists HIND HELICOPTER
The US aids the Afghans? Ronald Reagan sees new Soviet expansion – Challenges it Gives clandestine aid to MUJAHDEEN via CIA through Pakistan
A Pebble Always Makes a Ripple Effect Pakistan (multi-ethnic) was worried to give arms to nationalist groups – Only gave aid to Islamist groups Northern Alliance does our work – Later splinters (well trained) – one bit will be the Taliban
The Stinger Missile
Soviets leave Afghanistan 15 Feb 1989 – Geneva Accords – Sets timetable for withdraw of Soviet troops from Afghanistan – Ended the 9 year occupation of Afghanistan
American Support Stops