The Taliban Ascension to Power in Afghanistan. Background Sunni Islam Led by Mullah Mohammed Omar Rose to power in 1994 by capturing Maiwand Governed.


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Presentation transcript:

The Taliban Ascension to Power in Afghanistan

Background Sunni Islam Led by Mullah Mohammed Omar Rose to power in 1994 by capturing Maiwand Governed Afghanistan 1996 through 2001 Overthrown in 2001 Now an insurgency movement

Individual Causes Remote: The Soviet decision to invade Afghanistan Dec Soviets land in Kabul Install Babrek Karmal as Prime Minister Mujahidin uprising to fight Soviets Proximate: Mullah Mohammed Omar Created Taliban to unite country during Civil War Promised peace and freedom from violence and corruption Took over with help from Pakistani intelligence

Systemic Causes Remote: Geneva Accords of documents between the US, USSR, Pakistan, Afghanistan Included agreements for US and Soviet non-interference, Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, right for refugees to return to Afghanistan Didn’t consider the Mujahidin refusal of Accords, so the Civil War continued Remote: International Support for Mujahidin US fighting USSR during Soviet- Afghanistan war US provides Mujahidin with modern weapons Supports/trains extremist groups

State Causes Remote: Afghan Civil War Even after Soviet withdrawal, Mujahidin continue to fight Civil War is mujahidin vs. government army Mujahidin splits into branches- one of them becomes Taliban Proximate: Islamic presence in government 1970s: Peoples Democratic Party in Afghanistan threatens Islam, driving it forward Courts supposed to rule first according to religious law Strict religion used to fight Communism and Soviets Taliban is meant to purify Islam

Conclusion We should be concerned…. Simply because of the existence and power of such a dangerous terrorist groups Because it shows these groups can rise to gain support and power We should… Better control invasions to avoid instability and civil war in countries Learn to better deal with religious countries, because extreme faith is dangerous