K EY E VENTS The Beginning 18 th & 19 th Centuries 20 th & 21 st Centuries
T HE B EGINNING Why is this building, the Friedensaal, significant to international relations?
T REATY OF W ESTPHALIA Signed in ended the 30 Years War
T REATY OF W ESTPHALIA things came out of the Treaty: Sovereignty States System
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Culmination of Multipolar System 2) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 3) Westernization of International System
Power Pole Growing Power Pole Power Pole Power Pole 1 Power Pole = Unipolar System 2 Power Poles = Bipolar System 4+ Power Poles = Multipolar System Power Pole Growing Power 1- C ULMINATION OF M ULTIPOLAR S YSTEM
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Culmination of Multipolar System 2) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 3) Westernization of International System
2- E VOLUTION OF P OPULAR S OVEREIGNTY Raison d’état (‘Requirements of the State) Challenges to raison d’état Push for ‘popular’ sovereignty
18 TH & 19 TH C ENTURIES 3 Key Changes Impacted System Development 1) Culmination of Multipolar System 2) Demand for Popular Sovereignty 3) Westernization of International System
3- W ESTERNIZATION OF I NT ’ L S YSTEM Scientific & Technological Advances Guns & Gunpowder Naval Technology Industrial Revolution Colonization & Imperialism What are these? Where?
Britain France Germany Italy Portugal Belgium Spain A FRICA
A SIA Britain Netherlands France U.S. Japan Russia
20 TH & 21 ST C ENTURIES World War I Bolshevik Revolution The Great Depression World War II Post WWII Cold War Era Post CW Era to present
W ORLD W AR I Treaty of Versailles War Reparations Empires end Ottoman Empire Austro-Hungarian Empire
O TTOMAN E MPIRE FROM All of Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Large parts of Serbia, Romania Bits of Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Ukraine
A USTRO -H UNGARIAN E MPIRE 1867–1918 All of Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Parts of Romania, Poland, Germany, Italy, Ukraine
P OST W ORLD W AR I Rise of Communist Russia Rise of German nationalism Either Death to Capitalism or Death by Capitalism
P OST W ORLD W AR I The Great Depression Munich Conference Sudentenland & Appeasement Policy Neville Chamberlain ‘appeasing’ Hitler, 1938
W ORLD W AR II European Theater of Operations Pacific Theater of Operations
P OST W ORLD W AR II Emergence of a Bipolar System Formation of the United Nations Decolonization Self-determination
W AR OF I DEOLOGIES : D EMOCRACY V. C OMMUNISM Securing Interests in Europe United States Marshall Plan, Truman Plan North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Soviet Union Eastern European takeover= Eastern Bloc Warsaw Treaty Pact
C OLD W AR F OREIGN P OLICY Cuban Missile Crisis US Containment Doctrine Nixon goes to China SU invades Afghanistan Brief era of détente
C OLD W AR E RA -T HE R EAGAN Y EARS New Soviet Premier Perestroika (economic restructuring) Glasnost (openness) Berlin Wall is torn down Eastern Bloc countries follow Fall of the Soviet Union End of bipolar system
P OST -C OLD W AR E RA Multipolar System Global North v. Global South European Union Expansion of EU in P-CW eraEU Adoption of euro euro China joins World Trade Organization (WTO)
E CONOMIC G LOBAL D IVISION Global North (light red) Global South Emerging Economies (dark red) Developing (white)
P OST -C OLD W AR E RA 9/11 War in Afghanistan Iraq Global Economic Recession Arab Spring