Basic Freedom Training Part One
Defining Freedom John 8:32 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(ESV)
Defining Freedom 2 Corinthians 3:17 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.(ESV)
Defining Freedom Freedom is defined not as the absence of a problem but rather as the presence of a person.
Defining Freedom Freedom is the capacity to respond to God fully as the person he created and redeemed me to be.
Key Ideas Kingdom Focus Hearing God Disciples not Dependents Moments within Process Free People Free People
Training Focus Connecting to God Utilizing Tools Connecting to Others
Connecting to God Exercise 1 God loves to talk to us about who He is. – Get still. – Get quiet. – Focus your attention on God’s presence. – Wait. – Ask: Father, who do you want to be for me that I’ve never really let you be before now?
Connecting to God Exercise 2 God loves to talk to us about who we are. – Get still. – Get quiet. – Focus your attention on God’s presence. – Wait. – Ask: Father, what do you see in me that I’ve never seen in myself?
Connecting to Others Exercise 3a – Pairs – Unbroken eye contact – No words – One Minute
Connecting to Others Exercise 3b – Pairs – Unbroken eye contact – No words – Place your inward awareness upon their value. – Look for the presence of Christ in them. – One minute – Share with each other your impressions.
Connecting to Others Exercise Evaluation – How did exercises 3a & 3b compare? – How might learning to connect with others in this way impact ministry?
Anatomy of a Stronghold 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,(ESV)
Anatomy of a Stronghold What is a stronghold? – Arguments – Lofty opinions raised against the knowledge of God – Thoughts disobedient to Christ Strongholds are wrong patterns of thought!
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Hurts & Trauma What I experienced. What I did not experience. Generational Inheritance Genetic Spiritual Family Culture
Anatomy of a Stronghold Lie Lies I choose Lies I inherit and embrace The meaning I assign to an event. Lies I believe about God, self, and others. “That’s just the way it is in my life!”
Anatomy of a Stronghold Defense Emotional Insulation Intellectualization Blame Rationalization Control Preemptive Rejection Denial / Minimization Withholding Trust Busyness Anger Passive Aggression Acting Out / Attention Seeking Medication Fantasy / Escape Others…
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond What ‘s the Problem?
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Idolatry
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Idolatry 1.Source of Truth 2.Source of Security
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond What ‘s the Solution?
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Repent
Anatomy of a Stronghold Negative Event Lie Defense Others Respond Repent 1.New Source of Truth 2.New Source of Security
Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the lie? What is the lie? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce the lie. Forgive What is the truth? Believe & Confess
Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the defense? How have I learned to feel protect myself from pain or seek comfort? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce this defense and being your own defender. Invite the Lord to be your defense. Lord, would you show me a picture of what it would be like for you to protect me? Comfort me? Believe & Confess
Anatomy of a Stronghold Exercise 4 Pairs Choose roles. – Minister – Receive Ministry Begin with: “Father, is there a particular negative event you want to talk to me about today?” Work through tearing down the lie. Work through tearing down the defense. Switch roles.
Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the lie? What is the lie? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce the lie. Forgive What is the truth? Believe & Confess
Anatomy of a Stronghold How do I tear down the defense? How have I learned to feel protect myself from pain or seek comfort? Confess & Receive Forgiveness Renounce this defense and being your own defender. Invite the Lord to be your defense. Lord, would you show me a picture of what it would be like for you to protect me? Comfort me? Believe & Confess