1 The Importance of Being Earnest * Nitin Vaidya Illinois Center for Wireless Systems University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign NSF Workshop, Reston, Virginia, August 27, 2007 * With apologies to Oscar Wilde
2 Session Agenda Current status: where we are now Future expectations on wireless networking and research challenges Desired technology advances/breakthrough from the physical layer New advances needed from theoretical perspective
3 Likely Outcomes More funding More theory More practice More cross-layer research More targeted research programs More of everything
4 Likely Outcomes More funding More theory More practice More cross-layer research More targeted research programs More of everything
5 The Vanishing Link Diversity muddles the notion of a link A B C P PBPB f(P C ) PCPC PDPD A B D C B2B2 B1B1 B0B0 A B D C C2C2 C1C1 C0C0 Cooperation Spatial Channel [2005]
6 Where does Phy/Link layer end ? Layers All The Way Down What should or shouldn’t it do ?
7 The Way Forward Clearly, more attention to phy / theory desirable “Cross-Layer” protocols … smarter everything (antennas, radios, protocols, people)
8 Net-X Multi- Channel Mesh Theory to Practice A B C D E F Fixed Switchable Insights on protocol design Multi-channel protocol Channel Abstraction Module IP Stack Interface Device Driver User Applications ARP Interface Device Driver OS improvements Software architecture Capacity bounds channels capacity Net-X testbed Linux CSL
9 The Way Forward Clearly, more attention to phy / theory desirable “Cross-Layer” protocols … smarter everything (antennas, radios, protocols, people) If we have known this for years, why do protocols lag so far behind ?
10 What Do We Really Lack ? Funding ? Manpower ? Theory ? Probably none of the above
11 What Do We Really Lack ?
12 What Do We Really Lack ? Meaningful contact between Practice Networking Theory Comm
13 One-Point Agenda Four
14 Reduce the unknown unknowns Increase phy content in CS/CE networking courses –Awareness of phy necessary to ask better questions –Phy community should help Educate phy students about higher layer issues 1. Educate Better Ourselves & Next Generation
15 Resist temptation to create new networking programs Partitioning of resources creates false demand –Remove existing partitions Possible to encourage research without these –Examples: NOSS, FIND? Encourage projects with PIs spanning different communities (phy-networks) –Actively monitor/encourage real cooperation 2. Fewer Research Programs
16 3. Fewer “Better” Conferences Increase venues that encourage diverse community interactions (phy-networking, theory-applied) More Workshops, fewer “selective” conferences Co-located conferences Tutorials Eliminate most (wireless) networking conferences Emulate Info Theory model ?
17 4. Greater Industry/User Feedback What are the industry-perceived long-term challenges ? What do they need from us ? –Invite them to these workshops! Not everything needs to be dictated by industry, but practical insights can benefit academic research –Problem formulations constrained by reality
18 Summary Wireless networking is non-trivial Better-trained people key to better solutions Enable cross-layer research and eliminate artificial boundaries, politics notwithstanding Be earnest about the goals ! We don’t want to be discussing this again in 2 years …
19 Thanks!