Pip has his breakfast with the convict, who tells him his name is Magwitch – He is now going by the name Provis while in England Although Pip is disgusted.


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Presentation transcript:

Pip has his breakfast with the convict, who tells him his name is Magwitch – He is now going by the name Provis while in England Although Pip is disgusted with him, he wants to protect him – Pip buys him some clothes that will make him look like a “prosperous farmer” Pip goes to Jaggers to verify that Magwitch is his benefactor – He assures Pip that Miss Havisham has nothing to do with his great expectations

Magwitch – believes that the amount of money you have, and how pretentiously you spend it, is what gives a man value. That is why he has spent his life working for money to make a poor blacksmith’s boy a “gentleman.” Pip – believes that one’s value is decided by the class one is born, or adopted into. He thinks Magwitch as the lowest of the low, which means he is also the lowest of the low for associating with him

Herbert meets Magwitch Pip brings Magwitch to a nearby inn, then returns to discuss with Herbert what should be done Pip feels he cannot take any more of Magwitch’s money – Pip is proud and it is the money of a criminal – Also Pip doesn’t want Magwitch’s execution on his hands if he is discovered in England – Pip wants to protect him because he has risked his life to see Pip

They decide they will try to convince Magwitch to leave England with Pip Magwitch returns for breakfast the next morning and Pip asks him about the other convict that Pip had seen him fighting with in the marshes Happiness is in the eye of the beholder – Pip is always unhappy – Although many in the novel are living a much worse life than he—Joe, Biddy, Magwitch, Wemmick, Jaggers, Herbert, the other Pockets – they do not seem to demonstrate the same unhappiness with their lot in life. – Pip has yet to reach within himself to find happiness that neither society, concepts of home, or Estella can offer him

 Magwitch tells Herbert and Pip the story of his life › As a child he was alone and got into trouble – he stole out of hunger and cold › While he was young, others referred to him as being hard as a criminal and predicted that he would spend his life in and out of jail – his life ended up as predicted

While briefly out of jail, Magwitch ran into a well-to-do man named Compeyson  Compeyson had his hand in everything illegal – swindling, forgery, and other crimes  When Magwitch met him, Compeyson was working with a half-crazed man named Arthur  Arthur saw visions of a woman dressed all in white, with a broken heart, who came to haunt him  On one of these haunts, Arthur died

 Compeyson recruits Magwitch to do his dirty work and soon gets Magwitch into trouble with the law  Both end up standing before a judge  Compeyson – being a gentleman, he is given a lesser sentence than Magwitch  Magwitch – is seen as a career criminal; this causes Magwitch to develop an unbelievable hatred for Compeyson  He hates Compeyson with a self-sacrificing vengeance – Compeyson was the mastermind behind their crimes, yet received less of a sentence

Herbert passes a note to Pip › “Young Havisham’s name was Arthur. Compeyson is the man who professed to be Miss Havisham’s lover.” › Previously non-related story lines now come together – Magwitch worked with the man who had jilted Miss Havisham on her wedding day › Arthur turns out to be Miss Havisham’s half brother who worked against her…and she haunted him until the end

 Pip finds out that Estella is at Satis House and feels he needs to go back to visit her and Miss Havisham  Pip returns to his home town and meets Drummle at the town inn › He is obviously courting Estella › They exchange rude words and then depart on their own ways

Pip finds Estella and Miss Havisham in the banquet room at Satis House – Pip tells Miss Havisham that he is unhappy with the way she led him on Yet he has forgiven them both because he realizes it was his own fault for devising unreal expectations – Pip tells Miss Havisham that Herbert and Matthew Pocket are different from her other relatives – they are kind and upright – Pip breaks down and confesses his love for Estella Estella tells him that she is incapable of love and that she had warned him of this before – she also confesses she will be married to Drummle

Miss Havisham and Estella have different reactions to his break down – Miss Havisham – appears to be touched and Pip’s broken heart strikes a cord within her own heart – Estella – appears amazed at the show of emotion and doesn’t seem to understand it – she is not angry, she is curious, as she really doesn’t know what it means to love as Pip is now loving her – The difference may imply that certain characters are more guilty of their sins than others because of the level of consciousness in their actions Miss Havisham – deliberately set out to break Pip’s heart through Estella Estella – is unconscious of what she did…she only acted as she was brought up to act

 Pip walks back to London › At the gate to his house, he is given a note from Wemmick  “Don’t Go Home.”

Pip gets a room at a nearby inn and visits Wemmick’s castle in the morning – Wemmick tells Pip things he has learned from prisoners at Newgate Pip is being watched and may be in danger Compeyson has made his presence known in London – Wemmick has already warned Herbert Due to the warning, Herbert has brought Magwitch to his fiancé Clara’s house – this is in a neighborhood that Pip doesn’t frequent The house is right next to a dock on the Thames, making an escape by river more easily accomplished

 Pip spends the day with Wemmick’s relative the “Aged,” and leaves as it starts to get dark  Strangely, as the threat on Magwitch’s life grows, Pips affection and worry for him also grows › In this chapter, Pip is reminded who his true friends are  Wemmick – is willing to be unprofessional and ask questions around the criminal areas of town  Herbert – is risking his own life by helping Pip harbor a wanted man

Pip goes to Clara’s house to find Magwitch and Herbert – Herbert introduces Pip to Clara She has no relatives except for her father – a drunk, bed-ridden old sailor who lives on the second floor who constantly claims Clara’s attention…Herbert has never met him – Pip tells Magwitch that he is being watched and this is the best place for him in order to stay safe Warns Magwitch that they must only have contact through Herbert

 Pip is sad to leave Magwitch – the rough old convict appears to have softened a bit › Pip’s feelings have changed from fear and disgust of the convict, to sympathy and genuine companionship

Pip goes to dinner alone one night, and then to the theater where he sees Mr. Wopsle in one of his productions – Mr. Wopsle stares strangely at Pip throughout the play and even appears to be out of character – After the show, Mr. Wopsle asks Pip who he came with Pip says he came alone Mr. Wopsle tells Pip there was a man sitting behind him for much of the production and that he recognized him as the convict that he, Pip, and Joe had hunted with the soldiers when Pip was a child The man was Compeyson

Pip has dinner with Jaggers and Wemmick at Jaggers’ home and learns that Drummle has married Estella – Jaggers believes that Drummle will either beat her or become a brow-beaten husband himself – The whole conversation pains Pip, who has been trying to avoid this subject even with Herbert – Pip finally realizes what had been so familiar about a certain look he had seen in Estella It was the same look that he had seen on the face of Jaggers’ servant woman Pip knows instinctively that this woman must be Estella’s mother

On their way home, Wemmick tells Pip the story of Jaggers’ woman servant – It was Jaggers’ first big break-through case…the case that made him He was defending this woman in a case where she was accused of killing another woman by strangulation – This other woman was allegedly having an affair with the Jaggers’ servant’s husband Jaggers dressed her to look weaker than she was, made no comment about her strong hands and proved the scratches on her hands were from bramble bushes, not a struggle It was also alleged that the servant killed her child to get even with her husband – Jaggers was able to sway the jury away from that opinion – She has worked for Jaggers ever since

 Nothing is as it once seemed to Pip anymore › Convicts (Magwitch) are kind › Ladies (Estella) are the daughters of criminals › Gentlemen (Drummle, Jaggers) are scoundrels › Blacksmiths (Joe) are loyal › Pip is starting to let go of the societal definitions for these people and is seeing them for who they really are – individuals beyond labeling

Miss Havisham asks that Pip come visit her – He finds her sitting by the fire and she’s looking very lonely – She seems almost afraid of Pip – He tells her how he was giving some of his money to help Herbert with his future, but now must stop since he is no longer taking money from his benefactor – Miss Havisham wants to help and gives Pip nine hundred pounds to continue to help Herbert

 She then asks Pip for forgiveness › Pip says he has already forgiven her › Pip believes she has done more a disservice to herself and to Estella in her actions  She took away the light (daylight and a spiritual sense of joy) from both of their lives  She destroyed a young girl’s capacity to love and now Miss Havisham is growing old without someone to love her › He says he needs too much forgiving himself to be able not to forgive others  Pip is reminded of his own need to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from Joe and Biddy

 Pip asks Miss Havisham about the history of Estella › Estella was brought to Miss Havisham as a mere infant by Jaggers during the night  Pip goes out for a walk around the garden and comes back to find Miss Havisham on fire › Pip extinguishes the fire that was burning Miss Havisham, but ends up burning himself in the process › The doctors come to help and announce that she will live