Positive Traits Positive Character Traits Respect – Show concern for others. Positive Attitude – Try to find something good about every situation. Responsibility – Be someone that others can depend upon and be prepared to learn. Cooperation – Work together to achieve a specific goal. Kindness – Be nice to others. Forgiveness – Forgive the mistakes that others make. Equality – All students have the right to learn. Patience – Be willing to wait your turn. Honesty – Do not cheat, lie, or steal. Self-Control – Control your actions and emotion—be safe.
Problem Behaviors Will be placed into two categories: – Level 1-4 Infractions – Level 5 (0 tolerant infraction)
Consequences for Level 1-4 Infractions Level 5 Infractions – Automatic Disciplinary Referral Cub Slip #1 Verbal Redirection Cub Slip #2 Loss of Privilege Cub Slip #3 Guidance referral Cub Slip #4 ISS (Friday) parent contacted Cub Slip #5 Notice of Detention issued/Parent contacted Cub Slip #6 Disciplinary Referral Issued Fighting (serious injury or weapon used) Aggravated assault against students (resulting in serious injury) Assault of any kind. Possession of a dangerous weapon of any kind (real or look alike). Possession of drugs of any kind (including paraphernalia). False imprisonment or kidnapping Sexual harassment/battery Serious threats against a student (physical or verbal) Threats (serious and non-serious) or false accusations against school personnel Disciplinary Progression
Procedures for Level 5 infraction: Write a disciplinary referral. Complete all necessary components of the form and write a complete and clear teacher description. Student should be escorted to the office by an adult or the office should be contacted to request an escort (if needed)
Procedures for Level 1-4 infraction: Acknowledge the problem behavior –Example – Ms. B asks a group of students in the hallway to quiet down. Johnny continues to act out (talking loudly, laughing, and jumping around in the hallway) and Ms. B has to come out of her room to speak to him again about disrupting her class. Deal with the behavior immediately –Example – Ms. B will have Johnny come to her classroom immediately and issue an Cub Slip. Complete a Cub Slip –The issuing teacher (Ms. B) will complete the front of the Cub Slip. –The student (Johnny) will complete the back of the Cub Slip.
Cub SlipS FRONT Kate Bond Elementary Cub Slip Student Johnny Smith Grade 4 Date 9/6/14 Time 11:30 AM Homeroom Teacher Ms. G Issuing Teacher Ms. B Location ☐ Classroom ☐ Cafeteria Hallway ☐ Bathroom ☐ Playground ☐ Bus ☐ Library ☐ Music ☐ PE ☐ Art ☐ Special Event ☐ Field Trip Problem Behaviors ☐ Bullying/ teasing Disruptive Behavior ☐ Cheating ☐ Defiance/Insubordination ☐ Peer Threats ☐ Uniform Violation ☐ Dishonesty ☐ Use of electronic device ☐ Property misuse ☐ Inappropriate language ☐ Misconduct ☐ Theft (< $500 value) Comments:__________________________________________________________________ Notice # ☐ 1 ☐ 2 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 Notice of Impending Issued/Parent Contacted (3) ☐ Detention Notice Issued (4) ☐ Disciplinary Referral Issued (6) Comments: __________________________________________________________________ Completed by homeroom teacher Completed by issuing teacher
Cub Slips (Grades 3-5) BACK Reflection Summary The following character trait(s) were NOT shown through my behavior: (Check ALL that apply) Cooperation ☐ Equality ☐ Forgiveness ☐ Honesty ☐ Kindness ☐ Patience ☐ Positive Attitude ☐ Respect ☐ Responsibility Self-control The reason for my behaviors was: (Check ALL that apply) ☐ Avoid tasks/activities ☐ Avoid adult(s) ☐ Avoid peer(s) ☐ Obtain items/activities ☐ Obtain adult attention Obtain peer attention ☐ Activity/ movement ☐ Exert/ achieve power ☐ Other Here is my apology: __I am sorry for not listening to Ms. B. In the future, I will show good character by _standing quietly in the hallway. (PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE STUDENT SUMMARY ‘REFLECTS’ THE PROBLEM BEHAVIOR.)
Cub SlipS (Grades 1-2) BACK Reflection Summary MY BEHAVIOR WAS: GOODBAD WHEN I BEHAVE THIS WAY, I FEEL HAPPYSAD OTHERS FEEL HAPPYSAD (Have student copy the following statement on the line below) “I am sorry for my behavior.” _____________________________________________________________
–The student (Johnny) returns to class. –The homeroom teacher (Ms. G) completes appropriate documents and notes this on the Cub Slip.. –If no additional documents are required, skip to the Behavior Tracking Log. Maintain a record of occurrence –Behavior Tracking Log Use ONE log for entire class for each nine weeks grading period. List students in alphabetical order. Be sure that you have marked the appropriate “notice #” on the front of the Cub Slip. –EXAMPLE
If additional documents are required, complete one of the following: (ONLY the TOP copy of all documents should be sent home to be signed) –Notice of Impending Disciplinary Action Send home after the 3 rd Cub Slip is issued. Be sure to include the previous behavior violations on the notice. Contact parent to inform them that the Notice of Impending Disciplinary Action slip will be sent home If the notice IS sent back signed the following day, place document in student file. If the notice IS NOT sent back or returned UNSIGNED, issue another Cub Slip. Kate Bond Elementary Notice of Impending Disciplinary Action Date September 6, 2014 Dear Ms. Smith This is to notify you that _____Johnny______________ has received three behavior slips. These slips have been given for the following reasons: 1.Inappropriate Language 2.Uniform Violation 3.Disruptive Behavior Please be advised that, upon receipt of the fourth slip, disciplinary action will be taken. It is mandatory that this slip be signed and returned to school by TOMORROW in order for your child to avoid receiving a detention notice. Teacher Signature ________________________________ Parent Signature______________________________________________
–Notice of Detention Send home after the 4 th Cub Slip is issued. Make sure that you sign the student up for detention in the Detention Log in the office Note: Detention will be held EVERY Wednesday (except for school holidays). If a Notice of Detention is sent home on a Wednesday, the student should be signed up for the FOLLOWING Wednesday. Kate Bond Elementary Notice of Detention Today’s Date 9/20/14 Student Name: Johnny Grade/Section: 5-01 I understand that I am scheduled to report to detention on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (Date) from 3:30 until 4:30. ( Begin Time ) ( End Time ) Failure to report to detention on the scheduled day and time, without prior approval by the principal, will result in the issuance of a suspension. It is my responsibility to inform my guardian of this detention, as well as the scheduled date and time of the detention. It is also my responsibility to bring my own study materials to detention. I have read this notice and understand that failure to comply with this agreement will result in further disciplinary action being taken against me. Student Signature Date
–Office Referral Complete after the 6 th Cub Slip The child’s clear pocket, complete with a Disciplinary Referral, Behavior Tracking Log and Cub Slips, must accompany the student to the office between the hours of 2:30 – 3:30 pm. File Cub Slip in student pocket –Each student will be assigned a number (which will correspond with the one written next to the student name on the Behavior Tracking Log) that is written on a clear pocket in the notebook. –It is important that ALL Cub Slips and other documentation are collected in these. ***At the end of each nine weeks period, file all documentation in the filing envelope provided.*** General Information: –SHELBY COUNTY SCHOOLS EMPLOYEES ARE THE ONLY PERSONNELWITH THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE Cub Slips –Cub Slips will be used school-wide (classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, etc.) to address problem behaviors. –Students have the opportunity to “start over” at the beginning of each nine weeks.
Possible Questions What happens if I have a student who gets more than six Cub Slips in a quarter? The teacher should make an SR team referral (see Ms. Hunt or Rees for direction) Possible outcomes: Behavior plan FBA Additional days OSS Testing
What is the difference between a behavior concern (conduct) and an academic concern? Behavior concerns – interrupting instruction, disobeying class rules, physical aggression etc. Academic concerns – incomplete homework, not returning/completing classwork, not returning a signed note etc. Possible Questions