G-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies g-Eclipse ETSI Workshop - GRID Sophia-Antipolis,


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Presentation transcript:

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies g-Eclipse ETSI Workshop - GRID Sophia-Antipolis, 24 May 2006

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies g-Eclipse - overview University of Cyprus An integrated, Grid enabled workbench tool for Grid application users, Grid developers and Grid operators based on the Eclipse platform Eclipse community : Based on a reliable eco system Based on a reliable eco system Very active open source community Very active open source community Big impact in and support from industry Big impact in and support from industry Grid community: Emerging technology Emerging technology infrastructure for e-Science infrastructure for e-Science g-Eclipseg-Eclipse Grid actors: Grid users / e-Scientist Grid users / e-Scientist Grid resource managers Grid resource managers Grid application developers Grid application developers

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies g-Eclipse - overview An integrated, Grid enabled workbench tool for Grid application users, Grid developers and Grid operators based on the Eclipse platform Eclipse community : Based on a reliable eco system Based on a reliable eco system Very active open source community Very active open source community Big impact in and support from industry Big impact in and support from industry Grid community: Emerging technology Emerging technology infrastructure for e-Science infrastructure for e-Science g-Eclipseg-Eclipse Grid actors: Grid users / e-Scientist Grid users / e-Scientist Grid resource managers Grid resource managers Grid application developers Grid application developers

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies Objectives Fostering an open source project within the Eclipse community Integration support for third party developments Provision of the g-Eclipse framework for other EC Grid projects Exemplary support for the widely deployed gLite middleware + one OGSI compliant middleware (in year 2) Integration of existing Grid tools from partners in the emerging g-Eclipse framework Development of an integrated platform for Grid users, Grid developers and Grid operators using the Eclipse platform

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies Research Challenges Abstraction of the complexity of Grid middleware Abstraction of the complexity of Grid middleware Defining standard actions for Grid actors Integration of different Grid tools in one platform Integration of different Grid tools in one platform Migrating Desktop, GridBench, GVK from CrossGrid Middleware (gLite, Unicore?, Globus?) Third party integration Simplification of access to different Grid resources Simplification of access to different Grid resources

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies Key technology advancements Reduction of the complexity of Grids Reduction of the complexity of Grids for users for Grid operators for Grid application developers with an integrated workbench with an integrated workbench build on a reliable, industry-compliant foundation will make the Grid infrastructure invisible and transparently accessible and will make the Grid infrastructure invisible and transparently accessible and will lower the costs for usage, maintenance and development of the Grid infrastructure will lower the costs for usage, maintenance and development of the Grid infrastructure Build a framework/eco-system on standards to enable re-use Build a framework/eco-system on standards to enable re-use

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies Expected Results & Impact Awareness of Grid technology in industry by using one of their standard eco system An eco system to reduce the cost of the operation of Grid infrastructure resources An eco system to speed up the development and deployment of Grid applications An eco system of tools to build Grid-enabled, interactive graphical user interfaces g-Eclipse open source community to guarantee sustainability of this eco system Wide adoption of this integrated eco system

g-Eclipse (034327) European Commission Directorate-General Information Society Unit F2 – Grid Technologies g-Eclipse & Standard GGF: GGF: the User Program Development Tools-RG joined with Application Developers and Users-RG (APPS-RG) the User Program Development Tools-RG joined with Application Developers and Users-RG (APPS-RG) g-Eclipse will contribute to the definition of use-cases g-Eclipse will contribute to the definition of use-cases JSDL-WG JSDL-WG g-Eclipse will follow and contribute g-Eclipse will follow and contribute OGSA-AUTHZ-WG, WFM-RG, GFS-WG, DRMAA-WG g-Eclipse will observe g-Eclipse will observe OASIS OASIS WSBPEL, WSRF: WSBPEL, WSRF: g-Eclipse will observe g-Eclipse will observe (e-IRG) (e-IRG) contribution with definition and recommendation best practises for the European Grid infrastructure contribution with definition and recommendation best practises for the European Grid infrastructure