What I must KNOW or DO to be Healed MeeknessThe CureThe Healing An attitude of submission and trust that accepts all of God’s ways with us as good and therefore, does not murmur, dispute or retaliate Realizes that what comes to us from man is permitted & used by God for discipline and purification of His children A trusting attitude that looks beyond circumstances and focuses on the sovereign God & bows the knee, saying, “Lord, whatever pleases You, pleases me.” An inwrought grace of the soul The attitude that trusts, commits and waits on the Lord Benefits & Blessings of Meekness Will inherit the land/earth (Ps 37:11,22,29,34; Mt 5:5) Will delight in abundant prosperity (Ps 37:11), though only some experience it now Will possess an eternal inheritance (Ps 37:18) Who the blameless (Ps 37:18) the blessed (Ps 37:22) the righteous (Ps 37:29) 1. For Anger (Mt 5:39,44-45,48) Meekness will love its enemies and pray for its persecutors. Why? Because you are sons of Your Father who does good to both evil & good, righteous & unrighteous (God’s attitude towards others does not depend on circumstances or other people’s responses, but only on who He is) Because you are to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. 2. For Bitterness (Heb 12:5-15) Definition — an angry & resentful state of mind directed toward God and/or man — an angry outlook on life expressed in resentment & outbursts women are more susceptible to this as they tend to be hurt more easily Comes from an improper/unbiblical response to difficult people and/or circumstances If not released or forsaken: will trouble our heart will produce fruit which troubles & defiles others How to respond to God’s Discipline 1. Don’t forget the exhortation which addresses you as sons (Heb12:5).Don’t regard lightly God’s discipline Don’t faint when reproved by Him Why? Discipline is a proof of sonship (Heb 13:6-7) 2. Endure discipline (Heb 13:7) 3. Be subject to the Father (Heb 13:9) Results For our own good (v10) Share God’s holiness To produce righteousness (v11) 1. Know God – accept His character & His sovereignty (Jer 31:3) 2. Accept the grace of God His saving grace ( Eph 2:8-9) Grace keeps you from bitterness (Heb13:15-16) Accept who & what you are (1Cor15:10; Jn15:16; Eph2:10) Dorie Van Stone (Day 4) Incest Victim (Day 6) 3. Accept God’s love (Rom 5:5; 8:39; 1 Jn 4:10-12) & Let Him love through us (1 Jn 4:10-12;19) Mark 8: Save life & lose it / Lose life for Christ’s sake & gospel’s = save it Gal 2:20 - be crucified with Christ, live by faith in Him Perversion of Rom 13:8-10; Mk 12:28-33 declares that the root of our problems is a lack of self-love & self-esteem Self-love is that poor but very deluding substitute of God’s love that deceptively puts man at the center instead of God & says that God exists for man rather than man for God, i.e. that you have worth & value apart from God Three Roots (2 Timothy 3:1-5) love of sel, love of money, love of pleasure ~> Chop off the roots! (& not just the BRANCHES) “God does not love us because we are valuable, but we are valuable because God loves us.” –Luther Philippians 2:3-8 Do nothing from selfishness & empty conceit Regard others as more important than self Look out for others Have Christ’s attitude/mind didn’t grasp rights denied self / emptied self served others humbled self obedient till death 4. Understand why we hurt We feel they owe us something (Expectations) They are not what we wanted (Expectations) Their actions, mannerisms or treatment of us remind us of one who has hurt, embittered or rejected us (Memories) 5. Practices — refer to Day 7 (Rom 15:7; 2 Pet 2:1-4; Mal 4:1-3)
The ProblemThe CureSummary Review: Sin causes hurts L01 Idolatry, harlotry brings God’s judgment L02 Bitter water situation (Exodus 15) L03 Various distresses (Psalm 107) - lost, hungry, prison, work, anger, misery, don’t know what to do.. L04 Sin L05 Continual sin even after salvation L06 Suffering for Righteousness’ sake L07 Can’t understand why bad things happen to …. L08 Mental distresses, past failures… L09 Spiritual warfare, strongholds, depression, rejection. L10 Temptation by the devil L11 Unforgiveness L12 Anger L13 Bitterness comes from Unresolved anger, Unforgiveness Bitterness manifested in an angry & resentful state of mind/outlook of life directed against God & man Ultimately defiles many (Heb12:15) We hurt & find it difficult to accept someone because We feel they owe us something (Expectations) They are not what we wanted (Expectations) In their actions, mannerisms or treatment of us, they remind us of someone who has hurt us in the past (Transference Jer 3: Return, only acknowledge your iniquity Ex 15 - Apply God’s tree, don’t grumble, but cry out to God Ps 107:20 - Apply the Balm of Gilead, The Word of God Is 53:5 - Healed by Jesus’ scourging, the Cross Rom 6 - Sin is a choice, thus say “No!” to sin (v11-13, 17-18) Rom 8: Purpose is to conform us to Christ’s image, thus bow to God’s sovereignty Ps God is omniscient, omnipresent, Creator-Sustainer, righteous Judge Rom 12:1-2 - Be transformed by renewing of your mind 2 Cor 10:3-5 - Destroy strongholds with divine weapons Phil 4:8 - Guard your mind James 4:7 - Submit to God & resist the devil Eph 6: Put on the full armor (Word & prayer) Receive God’s forgiveness, then give it to others (1 John 1:9; Eph 4:32) Speak freely to God / declare case Speak selectively to man (James 1:19- 20) Meekness An attitude of submission and trust that accepts all of God’s ways with us as good, therefore, does not murmur, dispute or retaliate. An inwrought grace of the soul Acceptance (ie. believes God’s promises & submits to His discipline) How: 1. Know God, Accept His sovereignty 2. Receive His grace For salvation (Eph 2:8-10) For trials (Heb 12:15-16) For accepting self (Romans 15:7) 3. Receive His love (Jer 31:3; Jn 3:16; Rom 8:38-39) 4. Accept His discipline (Heb 12:5- 15) Why — because only the meek inherit the earth (Ps 37:9,11,18,22,29,34) Three Laws of Change 1.Can change no one by direct action 2.Can only change yourself 3.When you change, others must change in relation to you Realize: the root of all hurts is SIN the cure is only at the CROSS the Balm is God’s WORD the purpose of suffering is to conform us to the image of Christ Do: Confess & forsake sin & all negative emotions Receive & give God’s forgiveness Bow to God’s sovereignty & discipline Receive & give God’s acceptance Receive & give God’s love Receive & give God’s grace Ie, BE MEEK Ie accept everything as coming from God no murmuring, no complaining but resting & trusting in Him What I must KNOW or DO to be Healed