Chapter Best Practices Women in Wireless Business Development Committee May 2014
1.0 Process Guidelines Dropbox Communication 2.0 Sales Guidelines Recruiting Considerations 3.0 Strategy Guidelines National/Local Selling Chapter Best Practices
- Get connected to the WiW Dropbox by contacting - Retrieve sponsorship focused forms and documents from Dropbox Sales Deck - Commission Contract: Sign & return to - Sales Contracts: Send signed contracts to - Chapter Best Practices deck including Process, Sales and Strategy guidelines Process Dropbox
Local: - Contact Local Biz Dev Team - Set up call with team lead, Liz Horowitz: National: - Contact National Biz Dev Team - Set up call with team lead, Randi Levine: Process Communication
- Recruit carefully for fundraising committee focusing on well connected candidates - Recruit a prominent industry executive (female preferably) to “sit on the board’ of your local chapter. She will be someone who has a passion for our mission of mentoring and promoting female leadership within the wireless industry. Her position will be to advise chapter growth and recommend partners for content and sponsorship. Working with her to leverage her contacts will be key in developing long term sponsor partnerships Sales Recruiting Best Practices
- Focus on selling from a National perspective - Focus on selling multi-event annual partnerships - Access venue space through sponsors rather than paying for venue access - Consider a spirits and/or catering donation as many companies have catering deals - Create compelling content in collaboration with sponsors Sales Considerations
Strategy Guidelines 3.1 I. When and how to reach out to Randi regarding National Opportunities. Once a potential sponsorship includes cities beyond your own or a premium level this is when you would reach out to the National team II. Commission Structure: National/Local Splits on Commissions Guidelines: · 10% commission total · 20/80 split · 20% National/80% Local III. Call or Randi at any time: or cell