“It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ” —The Desire of Ages, p. 83 Books available at
Chapter 3 Mary Anoints Jesus This study is based on Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-11, Luke 7:36-50, and John 11:55-57, 12:1-11 The Desire of Ages, chapter 62—See also Messiah chapter 62
What did Judas criticize about Mary’s gift? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 306-8
Was it selfish of Jesus to say, “The poor will always be with you, but I won’t”? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 306-8
What does this story tell us about the value of gifts honoring the dead? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 306-8
Mary’s story has been told and retold many times. What has it taught you? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 306-8
How did Jesus help Simon understand forgiveness? The Desire of Ages and Messiah
What can we learn about forgiving others? The Desire of Ages and Messiah
The worse are the things that you’ve done, the more you need Jesus. What does Jesus’ repeated forgiveness of Mary say to you? The Desire of Ages and Messiah